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April 21, 2003 Page 95 <br /> <br />section 7. Annual Leave - Maximum Accumulation <br />Annual leave may be accumulated without any applicable maximum until December 31 of each calendar <br />year. However, if an employee separates from service, payment for accumulated annual leave shall <br />not exceed 240 hours (336 hours in tkc casa cffor Emergency Medical Services Personnel and 252 <br />hours for law enforcement officers working a 12 hour shift schedule ). At the end of each benefit <br />year on December 31, any county employee with accrued annual vacation leave in excess of 240 <br />hours (or 336 and 252 as above.hou~ in-the ~ase~-Eme~gene~HMec%ieat-~e~viees-~e~on~et--wer~i~ <br />a sckc~ulc of 2~ kcur~ on ~uty an~ ~ kcurs off ~uty) shall have this leave converted to sick <br />leave. This converted sick leave shall be used in the same manner as accrued sick leave and may <br />be used for authorized sick leave purposes. And, like regular sick leave, any unused converted <br />sick leave may be counted toward creditable service at retirement--~p--to-a--~a~m~m--~f 12. ~a~ <br />~iek -leave-days pe~ year--of -se~viee. As regulated by the North Carolina Local Governmental <br />Employees' Retirement System or Law Enforcement Officers' Benefit and Retirement Fund <br /> <br />Employees are cautioned not to retain excess accumulation of annual leave until late in the <br />calendar year. Due to the necessity of keeping all County functions in operation, large numbers <br />of employees cannot be granted annual leave at any one time. If an employee has excess leave <br />accumulation during the latter part of the year and is unable to take such leave because of <br />staffing demands, the employee shall receive no special consideration either in having annual <br />leave scheduled or in receiving any exception to the maximum accumulation. <br /> <br />Section 8. Annual Leave and Previous Leave Credit <br />Annual leave credit accumulated by each employee as of the adoption of this Personnel Ordinance <br />shall be retained as of the effective date of this Ordinance. <br /> <br />Section 9. Annual Leave - Approval/Manner of Taking Leave <br />Annual leave earned by an employee shall be taken only upon prior approval of the immediate <br />supervisor or department head. <br /> <br />Section 10. Annual Leave - Terminal Pay and Repayment of Annual Leave <br />An employee who is separated shall be paid for annual leave accumulated to the date of <br />separation, not to exceed a maximum of 240 hours (336 hours for Emergency Medical <br />Services Personnel and 252 hours for /aw enforcement officers working a 12 hour shift <br />schedule). <br /> <br />section ll. Annual Leave - Payment for Accumulated Annual Leave Upon Death <br />The estate of an employee who dies while employed by the County shall be entitled to payment for <br />all of the accumulated annual leave credited to the employee's account not to exceed a maximum of <br />240 hours (336 hours for Emergency Medical Services Personnel and 252 hours for law enforcement <br />officers working a 12 hour shift schedule ). The date of death shall be used as the date of <br />separation for purpose of determining such payment. <br /> <br />Section 12. Sick Leave <br />Ail regular and probationary employees who are scheduled to work at least 1,000 hours during the <br />calendar year shall receive sick leave in accordance with this policy. Sick leave with pay is not <br />a right which an employee may demand but a privilege granted by the Board of Commissioners for <br />the benefit of an employee when sick and for other authorized purposes: <br /> <br /> (a) Sick leave shall be granted to an employee absent from work for any of the following <br /> reasons: sickness, bodily injury, or required physical or dental examinations and <br /> treatment or exposure to a contagious disease when continuing work might jeopardize <br /> the health of others. <br /> (b) Sick leave may be used when illness, injury, or a medical appointment of a member of <br /> an employee's immediate family (that lives in the same household as the employee, <br /> and/or for whom the employee has legal responsibility) requires the presence of the <br /> employee, but may not exceed~" eight (19)48 hours [sixty ~ ~ .... ,~,'~'~ (64 hours for <br /> Emergency Medical Services Personnel~ and 50 hours for law enforcement officers <br /> working a 12 hour shift schedule; for any one calendar year. <br /> (c) Sick leave may also be used for death in the employee's immediate family, but may not <br /> exceed t~cnty four (24~ hours [thirty t'~:c (32~ hours for Emergency Medical Services <br /> Personnel and 25 hours for law enforcement officers working a 12 hour shift schedule) <br /> ~ ~or any one occurrence, except by special permission from the department head. <br /> <br /> Note: For the purposes of (b) and (c). <br /> <br /> Immediate family shall be deemed to include spouse, mother, father, guardian, children, <br /> sister, brother, grandparents, grandchildren, plus the various combinations of half, <br /> step, in-law, and adoptive relationships that can be derived from those named. Foster <br /> children under the care of an employee shall be deemed immediate family for these <br /> purposes. <br /> <br />Unless physically impossible, notification of the desire to take sick leave should be submitted <br />to the employee's supervisor prior to the beginning of the scheduled workday. <br /> <br />Section 13. Sick Leave - Manner of Accumulation <br />Anniversary date of employment shall be used for determining sick leave. For the purpose of <br />calculating sick leave, the basic work week shall be forty (40) hours. Each regular and <br />probationary employee scheduled to work at least 1,000 hours during the calendar year shall be <br />credited sick leave at the rate of 3 hours, 41 minutes and 32 seconds for each completed bi- <br />weekly pay period, or 95 hours, 59 minutes and 52 seconds for each completed year (52 weeks) of <br />service. <br /> <br />Emergency medical service personnel shall be credited sick leave at the rate of 5 hours, 9 <br />minutes and 13 seconds for each c~mpleted bi-weekly pay period, or 133 hours, 59 minutes and 13 <br />seconds for each completed year (52 weeks) of service. Law enforcement officers working a 12 hour <br />sh~ft schedule shall be credited sick leave at the rate of 3 hours, 52 minutes, and 36 seconds <br />for each completed biweekly pay period, or 100 hours, 47 minutes, and 51 seconds for each <br />completed year (52 weeks) of service. Emcrg~::c}' ~ ~ .......... These employees shall be <br />charged on an hour for hour basis for sick leave taken. <br /> <br /> <br />