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September 15, 2003 Page 240 <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Tax Collector has requested the Board of Commissioners to <br />adopt a resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to direct to the Sheriff of <br />Cabarrus County executions for the collection of motor vehicle taxes and other <br />personal property taxes against such taxpayers as the Tax Collector chooses from <br />time to time; now, therefore be it <br /> <br /> RESOLVED by the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners that the Tax <br />Collector is authorized to direct to the Sheriff of Cabarrus County executions <br />to levy upon and sell personal property for the collection of delinquent motor <br />vehicle taxes and other personal property taxes. The Sheriff shall have the <br />right to levy upon and sell the personal property under the same powers and <br />authority normally exercised by sheriffs in levying upon and selling personal <br />property under execution. This resolution shall remain in full force and effect <br />until amended or repealed. <br /> <br />Adopted the 15th day of September, 2003. <br /> <br />/s/ Robert M. Freeman <br /> <br />Robert M. Freeman, Chairman <br />Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br />/s/ Frankie F. Bonds <br /> <br />Frankie F. Bonds <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br />(E-9) Smallpox Adverse Reaction Policy - Amendment to Personnel Ordinance <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carpenter, seconded by Commissioner Carruth and <br />unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following Amendment to Article VI, <br />Section 24, Workers' Compensation Leave, of the Cabarrus County Personnel <br />Ordinance, to comply with North Carolina Session Law 2003-169, Adverse Reactions <br />to Smallpox Vaccination, that was enacted June 12, 2003. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 2003-13 <br /> <br /> ORDINILNCE AMENDING THE <br />CABARRUS COUNTY PERSONNEL ORDINANCE <br /> <br />BE IT ORDAINED that the Cabarrus County Personnel Ordinance is amended as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Current language <br /> <br />ARTICLE VI. LEAVES OF ~SENCE <br /> <br />Section 24. Workers' Compensation Leave <br /> <br />~n employee absent from duty because of sickness or disability covered by the <br />North Carolina Workers' Compensation Act may receive Workers' Compensation <br />benefits and elect to use accumulated annual and sick leave as a supplemental <br />payment for the difference between their regular salary and the payments received <br />under the Workers' Compensation Act. Such an employee may have credited back to <br />the leave they elected to use, their hourly equivalent, as the checks are <br />received from workers' compensation. Upon reinstatement, an employee's salary <br />will be computed on the basis of the last salary earned plus any increment or <br />other salary increase to which the employee would have been entitled during the <br />disability covered by Workers' Compensation. <br /> <br />Employees on Workers' Compensation Leave who elect not to use accumulated sick <br />and vacation leave as a supplemental payment, shall retain and continue to earn <br />all leave credits during the period of disability. In addition, the County shall <br />continue its contribution to the employee's health insurance. <br /> <br />Temporary employees on Workers' Compensation Leave will be placed in a leave <br />without pay status and will receive all benefits for which they may be adjudged <br />eligible under the Workers' Compensation Act. <br /> <br />Add the following paragraph: <br /> <br />Smallpox Adverse Reaction - ~tn adverse medical reaction to smallpox vaccination <br />when incurred within the scope of employment will be treated as an occupational <br />disease for Workers' Compensation purposes. Included is infection with smallpox, <br />infection with vaccinia (the virus in smallpox), and any adverse medical reaction <br />related to their smallpox vaccination or to exposure to another employee so <br />vaccinated. The Workers' Compensation initial waiting period will be recorded <br />as administrative leave and not charged to employee accrued leave or compensatory <br />time. Absences that extend beyond the waiting period are covered as regular <br />Workers' Compensation leave. This policy specifically covers an employee's <br />documented, adverse reaction and absence from work due to employment related <br />smallpox inoculation and is not intended to apply to any other disabling <br />procedure or event. <br /> <br /> <br />