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BC 2000 11 20
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Meeting Minutes
BC 2000 11 20
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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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568 <br /> <br /> Mr. Hartsell gave a brief overview of the legislation authorizing the <br />gross receipts tax. <br /> <br /> At 8:00 p.m., Chairman Fennel opened the public hearing on the proposed <br />Ordinance levying the gross receipts tax and asked if anyone wished to speak <br />either for or against the proposed Ordinance. The Notice of the Public <br />Hearing was published in THE INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE on November 6, 2000 and in <br />THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER (Cabarrus Neighbors) on November 9, 2000. <br /> <br /> There was no one present to address the Board, and Chairman Fennel <br />closed the public hearing. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Chairman Fennel and <br />unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following Ordinance. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 2000-04 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE LEVYING TAX ON GROSS RECEIPTS DERIVED FROM RETAIL <br /> SHORT-TERM LEASE OR RENTAL OF MOTOR VEHICLES <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly has ratified Senate Bill <br />1076, signed into law as Session Law 2000-2 (S. L. 2000-2) and effective for <br />taxable years beginning on or after July 1, 2000; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, this Session Law enacted G. S. 105-275(41), which repealed the <br />property tax on certain vehicles leased or rented under retail short-term <br />leases or rentals, and enacted G. S. 153A-156, which authorized counties to <br />replace the lost tax revenue through the levy of a local tax on gross <br />receipts derived from short-term leases or rentals. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cabarrus County Board of <br />Commissioners that the following tax is levied: <br /> <br /> SECTION 1. Tax on Gross Receipts derived from retail short-term motor <br />vehicle leases or rentals. The County of Cabarrus hereby imposes and levies <br />a tax of one and one half percent (1 ~ %) of the gross receipts from the <br />short-term lease or rental of vehicles at retail to the general public, as <br />authorized by G. S. 153A-156. <br /> <br /> SECTION 2. Administration. The County through its Tax Administrator <br />will administer and collect from operators of leasing and rental entities the <br />tax levied hereby. The Tax Administrator may promulgate additional lawful <br />rules and regulations necessary for implementation and collection of the tax. <br /> <br />SECTION 3. Payment of Taxes and Filing of Returns. The taxes levied <br />hereby are due and payable to the County monthly, on or before the fifteenth <br />(15th) day of the month following the month in which the tax accrues. Every <br />entity required to collect the tax shall, on or before the fifteenth (15th) <br />day of each month, prepare and render a return to the County. If the last day <br />for payment of taxes or filing of returns, falls on a holiday, a Sunday, or a <br />Saturday, the deadline shall be extended until the next business day. If <br />payment or filing of a return is by mail, the County will honor a postmark <br />date affixed by the United States Postal Service. This date must be legible; <br />otherwise the payment or return is treated as made when received in the <br />Collector's office. The County shall design, print, and furnish to all such <br />entities the necessary forms for filing returns and instructions to insure <br />the full collection of the tax. These tax proceeds shall be placed in a <br />segregated account by the collecting entity and are the property of the <br />County. A return filed for this purpose is not a public record as defined by <br />Section 132-1 of the North Carolina General Statutes and may not be disclosed <br />except as provided by law. <br /> <br /> SECTION 4. Penalties and Interest. In case of failure or refusal to <br />file a return when due, the penalty is five percent (5%) of the tax if the <br />delay is not more than thirty (30) days plus 5 percent (5%) for each <br />additional month or fraction thereof, not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) <br />or $5, whichever is greater, G.S. 105-236(3). The penalty for failure to pay <br />a tax when due is ten percent (10%) of the tax with a minimum of $5, G.S.105- <br />236(4). The penalty for a bad check is ten percent (10%) of the amount of <br />the check, with a minimum of $1 and a maximum of $1,000, G.S. 105-236(1). <br /> <br /> G.S. 153A-156(f) and G.S. 160A-215.1(f) provide for interest on <br />delinquent taxes at a rate of 0.75 percent (0.75%) per month, or 9 percent <br />per year. <br /> <br /> <br />
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