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261 <br /> <br />welfare of the citizens of Cabarrus County, the City of Kannapolis, <br />the city of Concord, the Town of Harrisburg, and the Town of Mt. <br />Pleasant, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Cabarrus County and the municipalities need a reasonable <br />amount of time to properly draft the necessary changes to the <br />respective zoning ordinances, now, therefore: <br /> <br />The Board of Commissioners of Cabarrus County, North Carolina do <br />ordain as follows: <br /> <br />That no zoning permits shall be issued for the construction of new <br />cellular and/or PCS communication towers for a period of 90 days <br />beginning on the date of adoption of this ordinance so that the <br />Planning and Zoning staff may draft changes to the existing <br />regulations to better protect the health, safety, and welfare of the <br />citizens of Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />Adopted this the day of <br />County Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br />, 1997 by the Cabarrus <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />Sue B. Casper, Chairman <br />Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />Frankie F. Bonds, Clerk to the Board <br /> <br />Consideration of Draft Legislation Related to Cabarrus Revenue Options for <br />Schools as Discussed by the Alternative Revenue Sources Task Force <br /> <br /> There was brief discussion regarding the proposed draft legislation for an <br />additional one cent local option sales tax and a one percent real estate transfer <br />tax in Cabarrus County. The Alternatives Revenue Sources Task Force had <br />recommended that the County, elected boards of the municipalities, and the boards <br />of education seek this legislation. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Barnhart and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the draft legislation entitled, '%n Act <br />to Reduce Reliance on Debt for Public School Construction in Cabarrus County by <br />Authorizing the County to Levy a Temporary Sales and Use Tax of One ·Percent, a <br />Temporary One Percent Land Transfer Tax, or Both, if Approved by the Voters of <br />the County, for Public School Construction." The draft legislation restricts the <br />use of funds to non-debt to support "pay-as-you-go" approval to school funding <br />for capital outlay. Also, the draft legislation includes a ten-year sunset <br />provision. <br /> <br />INFORMAL PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> <br /> Chair Casper opened the meeting for Informal Public Comments at 7:25 P.M. <br />She asked those addressing the Board to limit their comments to five minutes. <br /> <br /> Ms. Chaonn Hoyle, resident of 5375 Rocky River Road, Concord, addressed the <br />Board regarding the construction of the new Rocky River Elementary School. She <br />stated she was not against the school; however, she did express concerns <br />regarding the following: (1) lack of notification for the zoning public hearing; <br />(2) zoning of the school after construction began; and (3) the possibility that <br />the County is issuing permits for private construction prior to proper zoning <br />being in place. Further, Ms. Hoyle complained that the school construction has <br />created an erosion and sedimentation problem on her property which is located <br />across the street from the new school. Ms. Hoyle asked that the Board respond to <br />her questions and concerns during the meeting. <br /> <br />Chair Casper stated that the Board would respond in writing to Ms. Hoyle. <br /> <br /> Ms. Marilyn Barnhardt of 5800 Wabash Lane, Concord, questioned the Board <br />on the following issues: (1) Future use of taxpayer money to fund softball fields <br />at the Fieldcrest Stadium; (2) Guarantees that the new Corning plant will hire <br />local citizens rather than bus persons in for a wage of $5.00 per hour; (3) <br />Development of cluster homes; and (4) Need for a stoplight at Crisco Road and <br />Highway 73. <br /> <br /> <br />