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260 <br /> <br /> Chair Casper announced that government students from the local high schools <br />will join with staff for a Mock Commissioners Meeting on April 16, 1997 at 7:00 <br />P.M. This is in celebration of County Government Week. <br /> <br /> Chair Casper recognized members of Boy Scout Troop 91 from St. James <br />Lutheran Church who were present to obServe the meeting as part of the <br />communications merit badge requirements. <br /> <br /> Chair Casper reported the annual legislative trip for the seniors is <br />scheduled for April 14 and 15. Anyone interested in going to Raleigh by Amtrak <br />on April 14 or by bus on April 15 should contact the Department of Aging. <br /> <br />An Ordinance Temporarily Suspendin~ the Issuance of Zonin8 Permits for Cellular <br />and PCS Telephone Communication Towers Public Hearing - 7:00 P.M. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jonathan Marshall, Planning Services Director, reported that a <br />consultant hired by the City of Kannapolis is preparing an ordinance to provide <br />for consistent cellular tower regulations throughout Cabarrus County and its <br />municipalities. To allow time for the completion of the new regulations, he <br />recommended the adoption of an ordinance to enact a 90-day moratorium on the <br />issuance of zoning permits for wireless communication towers. The moratorium <br />would be effective March 18 and would end June 17. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Mills expressed concern about the lack of written notification <br />to cellular tower companies regarding the proposed moratorium and public hearing. <br />Also, Mr. Williams advised that a second reading of the proposed ordinance would <br />be required as Commissioner Niblock was not present for the meeting. <br /> <br /> Chair Casper opened the public hearing at 7:15 P.M. and asked if anyone <br />were present to address the Board regarding the proposed ordinance. <br /> <br /> Ms. Marilyn Barnhardt asked why the cellular companies were not notified <br />of the proposed ordinance. Further, she stated she was against cellular <br />telephone towers, stating in her opinion it is obnoxious to see the towers <br />throughout Cabarrus County. Ms. Barnhardt also expressed concern about air <br />traffic safety. <br /> <br /> There was no one else present to address the Board, and Chair Casper closed <br />the public hearing. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carpenter, seconded by Commissioner Barnhart <br />with Commissioners Carpenter, Barnhart and Niblock and Chair Gasper voting for <br />and Commissioner Mills voting against, the Board approved on first reading "An <br />Ordinance Temporarily Suspending the Issuance of Zoning Permits for Cellular and <br />PCS Telephone Communications Towers" and agreed to have a second public hearing <br />on April 21, 1997 at 7:00 P.M. Further, the Board directed that staff notify all <br />logical perspective users of towers in Cabarrus County prior to the second <br />hearing. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 1997-04 <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING <br /> THE ISSUANCE OF <br />ZONING PERMITS FOR CELLULAR AND PCS TELEPHONE <br />COMMUNICATION TOWERS <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the increased use of wireless communications, and evolving <br />wireless technology, has created an increase in the need for <br />communication towers, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, advances in technology allow Cabarrus County, the City of <br />Kannapolts, the City of Concord, the Town of Harrisburg and the Town <br />of Mt. Pleasant to impose additional requirements upon the <br />installers of these towers without creating an undue burden upon <br />such installers, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, additional incentives or regulations appear to be necessary <br />in order to encourage applicants to share sites when plausible, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the proliferation of communication towers without proper <br />design and location review is detrimental to the health, safety, and <br /> <br /> <br />