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276 <br /> <br />should such property be sold in the future, the proceeds from the <br />sale would revert to the Area Authority. <br /> <br />Adopted this the 21st day of April, 1997. <br /> <br /> /s/ Sue B. Casper <br /> Sue B. Casper, Chair <br /> Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br />ATTEST: <br />/s/ Frankie F. Bonds <br />Frankie F. Bonds, Clerk to the Board <br /> <br />Cable Television Rate Review Ftndinss Summary and Approval of 1997 Basic Rate of <br />~7.50 Per Month Per Subscriber <br /> <br /> The Board received as a part of the Agenda the Cable Television Review <br />Findings for the cable rate adjustments by Time Warner effective January 1, 1997. <br />Separate Findings for each of the following forms were submitted by Ms. Sandra <br />Albrecht, Cable Television Administrator with the Centralina Council of <br />Governments: (1) Revision of Form 1240 for the Basic Tier of 11 Channels Revising <br />the 1996 Maximum Rate; (2) Form 1240 for the Basic Tier Setting the New Rate for <br />1997; (3) Revision of Form 1240 for the Cable Programming Service Tier of 30 <br />Channels, Revising the 1996 Maximum Rate; and (4) Form 1240 for the Cable <br />Programming Service Tier Setting the New Rate for 1997. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carpenter, seconded by Commissioner Mills and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the 1997 Basic Tier Rate of $7.50 per <br />month per subscriber. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />Recognition of Louise B. Settlemyer on Her Retirement from the Kannapolis Branch <br />of the Charles A. Cannon Memorial Library - Mr. Tom Dillard <br /> <br /> Mr. Tom Dillard, Executive Director of the Charles A. Cannon Memorial <br />Library, recognized Ms. Louise Bost Settlemyer on her retirement as Circulation <br />Librarian at the Kannapolis Branch Library. Ms. Settlemyer was the first staff <br />member of the Branch Library when it opened in July, 1985. Prior to that time, <br />she worked in a variety of libraries, including the YMCA Library, in the <br />Kannapolis area for 45 years. <br /> <br /> On behalf of the Board, Commissioner Carpenter presented a plaque to Ms. <br />Settlemyer in appreciation for her service to Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />Proposed Issuance of Bonds by the Cabarrus County Industrial Facilities and <br />Pollution Control Financin~ Authority for Fun-Tees, Inc., in the Aggregate <br />Principal Amount of ~1~700~000 - Public Hearin~ - 6:30 P.M. <br /> <br /> Chairman Casper stated that pursuant to Chapter 159C of the General <br />Statutes of North Carolina and the regulations thereunder she had been advised <br />that the Authority intended to file an application with the Secretary of the <br />Department of Commerce for approval of an industrial and manufacturing project <br />in Cabarrus County, North Carolina for Fun-Tees, Inc., a North Carolina <br />corporation (the "Company"), consisting of the acquisition and installation of <br />approximately 27 circular knitting machines, storage racks for knitted fabric and <br />related computer equipment for the manufacture of tubular knit fabric at the <br />Company's existing plant location at 245 Manor Avenue, Concord, Cabarrus County, <br />North Carolina (the "Project"). Ail or a portion of the cost of the Project is <br />to be financed by the issuance of not exceeding $ 1,700,000 aggregate principal <br />amount of qualified small issue industrial revenue bonds of the Authority. Such <br />application for approval cannot, under regulations of the Department of Commerce, <br />be officially received until, among other things, the Board has, by resolution <br />after having held a public hearing, approved the issue of bonds for the proposed <br />Project and approved the Project in principle. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Barnhart presented to the Board copies of the Authority's <br />resolution approving the Project and the inducement agreement between the <br />Authority and the Company. Commissioner Barnhart then stated that a notice had <br />been published by the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners on April 5, 1997 <br />stating that the Board would hold a public hearing on April 21,1997 on the <br />proposed revenue bond issue and the Project (the "Notice"). <br /> <br /> <br />