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285 <br /> <br />County must now look at other alternatives, specifically a moratorium on <br />residential building permits to let the County and the cities catch up with their <br />obligations concerning new housing. <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton presented a general overview of issues related to a moratorium <br />on building permits for single family and multi-family housing. <br /> <br /> There was general discussion by the Board regarding the proposed moratorium <br />and the following issues: impact of the rapid growth on schools, emergency <br />services and other public services; the need for the development of an adequate <br />public facilities ordinance; industrial recruitment efforts by the County; and <br />the proposed legislation recommended by the Alternative Revenues Task Force for <br />a local option sales tax and land transfer tax. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Mills, seconded by Chairman Casper with <br />Commissioners Mills and Barnhart and Chairman Casper voting for and Commissioners <br />Carpenter and Niblock voting against, the Board instructed the County Manager and <br />Planning staff to develop a methodology and some options for a moratorium on all <br />single and multi-family construction in Cabarrus County for consideration at the <br />next regular meeting, <br /> <br />INFORMAL PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> <br />Chairman Casper opened the Informal Public Comments at 9:25 P.M. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Graeber reported that local seniors support the proposed <br />legislation to allow the people of Cabarrus County the opportunity to vote on a <br />local option sales tax and land transfer tax. He challenged the County residents <br />to contact the following legislators and express support of the proposed <br />legislation: Michael P. Decker, Aaron Plyler, John Kerr, David Hoyle, Marc <br />Basnight and Betsy Cochran. <br /> <br />Closed Session to Consult with the County Attorney Regarding Pending Litigation <br />Concernin~ Blythe Industries~ Inc. as Authorized by North Carolina General <br />Statutes 143-318.11(a)(3~ <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter and <br />unanimously carried, the Board moved to go into closed session to consult with <br />the County Attorney regarding pending litigation concerning Blythe Industries, <br />Philip Morris U.S.A. and the Lake Concord Project as authorized by NCGS 143- <br />318.11(a)(3) and to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of <br />business or industry as authorized by NCGS 143-318.11(a)(4). <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter and <br />unanimously carried, the Board moved to come out of the closed session. <br /> <br />No action was reported from the closed session. <br /> <br />Recess of MeetinS <br /> <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Casper <br />recessed the meeting until 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 24, 1997, at which time <br />the Board will meet with the Cabarrus County Parks and Recreation Commission in <br />the Multi-Purpose Room at the Governmental Center. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />