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284 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Mills and <br />unanimously carried, the Board instructed staff to pursue the creation of a <br />county-wide uniform zoning ordinance inclusive of a provision requiring adequate <br />public facilities to be in place prior to approval of future development. <br /> <br />Authorization to Issue Requests for Proposals to Upsrade County's Computer System <br />to be Year 2000 Compliant <br /> <br /> Ms. Debbie Brannan, IS Systems Manager, discussed the need to upgrade the <br />County's existing hardware and software. She estimated the cost at $1.4 million <br />or $300,000.00 per year on a five-year lease purchase. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Mills and <br />unanimously carried, the Board agreed to include funding in the FY 1997-98 County <br />budget to upgrade the County's computer system and authorized staff to send out <br />the Request for Proposals to upgrade the County's computer system to be year 2000 <br />compliant. <br /> <br />Approval of Property Acquisition for Goncord Middle School - Mr. Fletcher L. <br />Hartsell~ Jr.t County Attorney <br /> <br /> Mr. Hartsell presented the request for the Cabarrus County Board of <br />Education to acquire additional land for the new Concord Middle School to provide <br />right-of-way to the school site from Neisler Road. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Mills and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the following acquisitions of land by the <br />Cabarrus County Board of Education for a right-of-way to the new Concord Middle <br />School site: Sylvia S. Burleyson - lot and mobile home $18,500.00; James S. <br />Burleson - lot and residence - $95,000.00; Heirs of Ruby C. Lentz - lot and .087 <br />acres of another lot - $26,650.00; and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cress - area of <br />approximately 1.3 acres - $30,000.00 (additional area may also be donated by Mr. <br />Cress). <br /> <br />Proposed Schedule - FY 1997-98 Budget Process <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter <br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved the following schedule for the FY <br />1997-98 Budget process. <br /> <br />May 12 (Monday) - Release of Budget Document to Press and Public <br />May 19 (Monday) - Regular Board Meeting - Public Hearing on Budget <br /> <br />Proposed work sessions are suggested to run from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 <br />P.M. <br /> <br />Scheduled work sessions were as follows: May 5 (Cabarrus School <br />Board); May 22, May 27, May 29, June 2, June 5 and June 12. <br /> <br />June 16 - Regular Meeting - Adoption of the budget <br /> <br />Proposal to Provide Retiree Health/Life Insurance Benefit Coverage and Reduce the <br />Number of Accumulative Vacation Days Earned Annually by Employees <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton presented a general overview of the proposal relative to <br />Retiree Health/Life Insurance, Early Retirement Incentives and Vacation <br />Accumulation Schedule. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Casper and <br />unanimously carried, the Board authorized the County Manager to develop the <br />required ordinance(s) to extend health/life insurance benefits to future retirees <br />and to adjust downward the vacation accumulation schedule for new employees and <br />existing employees voluntarily agreeing to participate in the retiree benefit <br />proposal. <br /> <br />REPORTS <br /> <br />Senior Citizens Annual Raleigh Legislative Trip - Chairman Casper <br /> <br /> Chairman Casper reported that she had participated in the annual seniors <br />legislative trip on April 14. She advised that approval appears doubtful for the <br />proposed legislation to allow County citizens an opportunity to vote on a local <br />option sales tax and local property transfer tax. Therefore, she stated the <br /> <br /> <br />