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329 <br /> <br />supervisor. If the issue is not resolved, he or she should then follow the <br />grievance and adverse action appeal procedure established by the County. <br /> <br />The number of steps in this procedure will vary from a minimum of one to a <br />maximum of three, depending upon: <br /> ® How many supervisory levels are in the employee's department. <br /> Example: In a department where the only supervisor is the department <br /> head, the procedure would start at Step Two. <br /> · At what supervisory level was the decision made/action taken that <br /> the employee is grieving. <br /> Example: If the department head has made the decision that is being <br /> grieved, then the procedure should be initiated at Step Two and move <br /> upward. <br /> · Where the employee is in the department's supervisory chain. <br /> Examples: <br /> 1. If the employee reports directly to the department head, the <br /> procedure would begin at Step Two. <br /> 2. If the department head is the grieving party, he or she would <br /> start (and end) at Step Three. <br /> <br />If an employee has any question as to which step of the procedure they should <br />initiate their grievance or adverse action appeal, he or she should contact the <br />Human Resources Department for direction. <br /> <br />Step One General County Employee. The employee with a grievance or adverse <br />action appeal shall present the matter in writing to his immediate supervisor <br />within fifteen (15) calendar days of its occurrence or within fifteen (15) <br />calendar days of the time the employee learns of its occurrence, with the <br />objective of resolving the matter informally. In the case of a sexual harassment <br />grievance involving the employee's supervisor, the employee may skip step one of <br />the grievance procedure. The supervisor should be and is encouraged to consult <br />with any employee or officer deemed necessary to reach a correct, impartial, and <br />equitable determination and shall give the employee an answer in writing as soon <br />as possible, but within ten (10) calendar days. <br /> <br />State Personnel Act Employee.* Same as for a general County employee. <br /> <br />Step Two General County Employee. If the decision is not satisfactory to the <br />employee in Step 1, or if he fails to receive an answer within the designated <br />period provided in Step 1, he may file the grievance or adverse action appeal in <br />writing within ten (10) calendar days with the department head, who shall hear <br />the grievance or adverse action appeal and render a decision in writing within <br />a maximum of ten (10) calendar days. <br /> <br />State Personnel Act Employee.* Same as for general County employees except this <br />is the final step in the grievance/appeal process for employees in a probationary <br />or temporary status. <br /> <br />Step Three General County Employee. If the decision is not satisfactory to a <br />general County employee in Step 2, or if he or she fails to receive an answer <br />within the designated period provided in Step 2, an employee may file the <br />grievance or adverse action appeal with the County Manager. The appeal must be <br />made in writing within ten (10) calendar days following the decision reached in <br />Step 2. The County Manager shall hear the grievance or adverse action appeal and <br />render a decision in writing within ten (10) calendar days. The Manager's <br />decision shall be final regarding the grievance or adverse action appeal. <br /> <br />State Personnel Act Employee.* If the decision in Step 2 is not satisfactory to <br />an employee in a regular position, or if he or she fails to receive an answer <br />within the designated time period provided in Step 2, he or she may continue the <br />appeal in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 150B-23 by filing a <br />petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings. Requests for the necessary <br />petition form and additional information about the filing of the petition should <br />be directed to: <br /> Office of Administrative Hearings <br /> Post Office Drawer 27447 <br />Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7447 <br />Telephone Number (919) 733-2719 <br />The appeal should be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the <br />step two decision or the end of step two deSignated response time period, <br />whichever is applicable. <br /> <br /> <br />