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330 <br /> <br />*Should there be any conflict with North Carolina law or regulations, all <br />elements of an appeal should follow the provisions of the State Personnel Act <br />currently in effect. <br /> <br />Section 4. Grievance and Adverse Action Appeal Procedure Discrimination <br />General County Employee <br />Any applicant for County employment, County employee or former County employee <br />who has reason to believe that employment, promotion, training or transfer was <br />denied him or that demotion, lay-off, or termination of employment was forced <br />upon him because of his age, sex, race, color, national origin, religion, creed, <br />political affiliation or physical disability, except where specific age, sex or <br />physical requirements constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification <br />necessary to proper and efficient administration, shall have the right to appeal <br />directly to the County Manager. Or the employee has the right to appeal using <br />the grievance procedure outlined in Section 3 of this Article if he or she so <br />desires. An employee or applicant must appeal an alleged act of discrimination <br />within thirty calendar days after (1) becoming aware of the alleged act or (2) <br />the date he or she should have become aware of it. <br /> <br />State Personnel Act Employee <br />An applicant for County employment, County employee, or former County employee <br />who has reason to believe that employment, promotion, training, or transfer was <br />denied him, or that demotion, lay-off, or termination of employment was forced <br />upon him because of his age, sex, race, color, national origin, religion, creed, <br />political affiliation, or physical disability, except where specific age, sex, <br />or physical requirements constitute a bona fide occupational qualification <br />necessary to proper and efficient administration, shall have the right to appeal <br />directly to the State Personnel Commission for a hearing by the Office of <br />Administrative Hearings (see previous section for address and phone number) and <br />a decision by the State Personnel Commission or the employee has the right to <br />appeal using the grievance procedure outlined in Section 3 of this Article if he <br />or she desires. An employee or applicant must appeal an alleged act of <br />discrimination within thirty calendar days after (1) becoming aware of the <br />alleged act or (2) the date he or she should have become aware of it. <br /> <br />NOTE: Should there be any conflict with the above, grievances alleging <br />discrimination will follow the provisions of the State Personnel Act currently <br />in effect. <br /> <br />Section 5. Protection of Complaints, Employees~ Witnesses~ and Representatives <br />from Interference~ Harassment, Intimidation~ and Reprisal <br />All employees shall be free from any or all restraint, interference, coercion, <br />or reprisal on the part of County employees and/or other persons when making any <br />complaint or appeal, in serving as representative of an appellant, in appearing <br />as witnesses, or in seeking information in accordance with these procedures. The <br />above principles apply with equal force after a complaint has been resolved. <br />Should these principles be violated, the facts shall be brought to the attention <br />of the County Manager by the appellant, the appellant's representative or the <br />person affected so that the appropriate remedial action may be taken. <br /> <br />Section 6. Back Pay Awards <br />Back pay and benefits may be awarded to reinstated employees in suspension, <br />demotion, dismissal, and discrimination cases. <br /> <br />Award of Contract to Lanier for the "Cost per Copy" Pro~ram for Gabarrus County <br /> <br /> The following three responses were received for the ~Cost per Copy" Program <br />Proposals requests which were sent to ten (10) copier dealers/manufacturers. <br /> <br />Lanier <br />Charlotte Copy Data <br />Premier Technology <br /> <br />.0274 per copy <br />.077 per copy <br />No Bid <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Barnhart and <br />unanimously carried, the Board awarded a contract to Lanier for the "Cost per <br />Copy" Program for a period of three years. The contract will include equipment <br />costs, maintenance, service and all related supplies, except paper. <br /> <br />Approval of Listing of Gopiers to Be Declared Surplus and Authorized for Personal <br />Property Sale <br /> <br /> <br />