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323 <br /> <br />(v) <br /> <br />(w) <br /> <br />(x) <br /> <br />(y) <br /> <br />(z) <br /> <br />(aa) <br /> <br />(bb) <br /> <br />Regular Position. A position approved by the Board of Commissioners <br />in which the duties and responsibilities are required on a <br />continuous and annually recurring basis, requiring either the <br />full-time or part-tlme employment of an individual. <br />Salary Grade. The range of pay to which all sufficiently comparable <br />positions are assigned. <br />Salary Ranse. The hiring, intermediate and maximum salary for a <br />given classification. <br />Salary Schedule. A schedule of hiring, intermediate, and maximum <br />rates of pay for each class of positions. <br />State Personnel Act Employee. An employee of the Department of <br />Social Services, Department of Public Health, Department of Mental <br />Health or Office of Emergency Management receiving federal <br />grant-in-aid funds subject to the State Personnel Act. <br />Temporary Employee. A person appointed to serve in a position for <br />a limited duration, usually not to exceed one year. <br />Transfer. The reassignment of an employee from one position or <br />department to another. <br /> <br />Section 4. Merit Principle <br />Ail appointments and promotions hereunder shall be made solely on the basis of <br />merit and fitness. Ail positions requiring the performance of the same duties <br />and fulfillment of the same responsibilities shall be assigned to the same class <br />and the same salary range. No applicant for County employment or employee shall <br />be deprived of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affected as an <br />employee because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, national <br />origin, political affiliation, handicap or age. <br /> <br />Section 5. Responsibility of Board of County Commissioners <br />The Board of County Commissioners shall establish personnel policies and rules, <br />including the classification and pay plan and shall make and confirm appointments <br />when so specified by law. <br /> <br />Section 6. Responsibility of County Man~g~ <br />The County Manager shall be responsible to the Board of Commissioners for the <br />administration of the personnel program. The County Manager shall appoint, <br />suspend, and remove all County officers and employees except those elected by the <br />people or whose appointment is otherwise provided for by law. The County Manager <br />shall make appointments, dismissals, and suspensions in accordance with 153A-82 <br />of the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina, and Articles IV, VII, and <br />VIII of this Personnel Ordinance. <br /> <br />Each Sheriff and Register of Deeds elected by the people has the exclusive right <br />to hire, discharge and supervise the employees in his office under the authority <br />of 153A-103 of the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina. <br /> <br />Section 7. Responsibility of Human Resources Director <br />The County Manager shall appoint a Human Resources Director who shall assist in <br />the preparation and maintenance of the position classification plan and the pay <br />plan, and perform such other duties in connection with a personnel program as the <br />manager shall require, such as: <br /> (a) Apply, interpret, and carry out this Ordinance and the policies <br /> adopted thereunder, as directed by the County Manager; <br /> (b) Establish and maintain records of all persons in the County service, <br /> setting forth each officer and employee, class title of position, <br /> pay or status history and other relevant employment data; <br /> (c) Develop and administer such recruiting programs as may be necessary <br /> to obtain an adequate supply of competent applicants to meet the <br /> needs of the County; <br /> (d) Encourage and exercise leadership in the development of effective <br /> personnel administration within the various County departments, and <br /> to make available the facilities of the personnel office to this <br /> end; <br /> (e) Investigate, from time to time, the operation and effect of this <br /> Ordinance and of the policies made thereunder, and report such <br /> findings and recommendations to the County Manager; <br /> (f) Make recommendations to the County Manager regarding the personnel <br /> functions, as well as revisions to the personnel system, as may be <br /> appropriate; <br /> (g) Issue and publish any necessary administrative directives, <br /> supplements, interpretations, and necessary prescribed forms and <br /> <br /> <br />