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326 <br /> <br />Time frame for disciplinary warnings - all disciplinary warnings become inactive <br />after 18 months unless extended in writing or if a following warning or <br />disciplinary action does not take place in the 18 month period. <br /> <br /> (b) CATEGORY TWO <br />Representative Behaviors: <br />1. Failure to demonstrate a reasonable competence on the job or to perform <br /> work in a satisfactory manner following normal job orientations and <br /> training. <br />2. Insubordination. <br />3. Careless, negligent or intentional improper use of County property or <br /> equipment. <br />4. Absence without approved leave. <br />5. Improper use of leave privileges. <br />6. Incompatible secondary employment or conflict of interest. <br />7. Sleeping on the job. <br />8. Negligence in the performance of duties. <br />9. Failure of a supervisory employee to take the necessary or appropriate <br /> steps to properly supervise or discipline a subordinate employee when such <br /> actions are required. <br /> 10. Misappropriation of County funds or property. <br /> 11. Misrepresentation of County records and/or attendance reports for personal <br /> profit or to grant special privileges. <br /> 12. Discourteous treatment of the public or other employees, including sexual <br /> harassment. <br /> 13. Willful violation of known and/or written work rules. <br /> 14. Failure to maintain current valid credentials required in the performance <br /> of job duties, including driver's license. <br /> <br />Disciplinary Process <br />Depending on the severity of the individual situation either; <br />1. the same process as listed under category one; or <br />2. the same process as listed under category three. <br /> <br /> (c) CATEGORY THREE <br />Representative Behaviors: <br />1. Fraud in securing employment. <br />2. Reporting to work under the influence of intoxicants, nonprescription or <br /> illegal drugs; or partaking of such while on duty or on public property; <br /> or the possession of intoxicants, nonprescription or illegal drugs on <br /> County property except that prescribed medication may be taken within the <br /> limits set by a physician so long as medically necessary. <br />3. Willful damage or destruction of County property, or private property of <br /> others while on duty. <br />4. Willful or careless acts that would endanger the lives and property of <br /> others. <br />5. Acceptance of gifts in exchange for "favors" or "influence". <br />6. Violation of political activity restrictions. <br />7. Fighting. <br />8. Stealing. <br />9. Conduct unbecoming a public o~ficer or employee which might interfere with <br /> the successful performance of job duties. <br /> 10. Conviction of a felony or of a misdemeanor, or the entry of plea of "no <br /> contest" to either, which is detrimental to or impacts the employee's <br /> service to the County. <br /> 11. Unauthorized possession or use of firearms or any other lethal weapon <br /> while on the job, on County premises or in any connection with the County <br /> employment. <br /> <br />Disciplinary Process <br />1. If applicable and necessary, immediate disciplinary suspension (see <br /> Section 3) and/or non-disciplinary suspension for investigative purposes <br /> (see Section 4). <br />2. Pre-discipline conference (see Section 5). <br />3. Action(s) resulting from pre-discipline conference. <br /> <br />Section 3. Disciplinary Suspension <br />A regular employee who is suspended for disciplinary reasons shall be relieved <br />temporarily of all duties and responsibilities and shall receive no compensationr <br />including pay for accumulated annual leave, for the period of suspension. Such <br />disciplinary suspension shall be for no less than one full work week, but no more <br /> <br /> <br />