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325 <br /> <br />or her current position and/or locate alternate positions within the County's <br />service for which the employee may be suited. <br /> <br />(g) Death. The date of death shall be recorded as the employment separation date <br />for the deceased employee. Ail compensation due in accordance with this <br />ordinance will be paid to the estate of the deceased employee. This includes <br />earned but unpaid salary and payment for accumulated annual leave up to the <br />designated maximum. <br /> <br />Section 2. Disciplinary Actions <br />While it is desirable that all employees strive to achieve the highest level of <br />success in their jobs, it is the responsibility of each employee to maintain at <br />least an acceptable level of job performance and conduct. <br /> <br />When employee performance and/or conduct falls below the acceptable standard, <br />supervisors, using counseling techniques, point out deficiencies at the time they <br />are observed. Disciplinary action may occur when the unacceptable <br />performance/conduct is at level of severity or frequency to be deemed <br />inappropriate to the best interest of the County. While progressive discipline <br />should be used in most situations with the employee given warning with time to <br />correct the unacceptable behavior prior to disciplinary action, the level of <br />severity of an individual situation may preclude such a warning. <br /> <br />The following categories provide guidance on how the wide range of unacceptable <br />behaviors should be addressed. Behaviors listed are representative of those <br />considered to be adequate cause for official reprimand, disciplinary suspension <br />without pay, reassignment, demotion, or dismissal, but should not be considered <br />all inclusive. <br /> <br />While the disciplinary procedures outlined are to be followed whenever possible, <br />they are not to be construed as a limitation on the County's right to take any <br />form of disciplinary action, including dismissal, when deemed appropriate. <br /> <br />(a) CATEGORY ONE <br />Representative Behaviors: <br /> <br />5. <br />6. <br />7. <br /> <br />Excessive absenteeism and/or tardiness. <br />Horseplay/rowdiness. <br />Minor safety violations - where serious injury or death is not <br />reasonably expected as a consequence. <br />Poor job performance. <br />Inattentiveness to work. <br />Failing to start work or quitting work before the designated time. <br />Failure to report to work without prior notification and approval of a <br />supervisor unless it is impossible to give such notice. <br /> <br />Note: Unacceptable actions do not have to be of the same type to continue the <br />disciplinary process. <br /> <br />Disciplinary Process <br />1. First written warning <br /> <br />o <br /> <br /> From the immediate supervisor, intermediate <br />supervisor or department head and should include (1) that it is a part of <br />the County's disciplinary process; (2) a detailed list of <br />deficiencies/issues including specific examples which constitute evidence; <br />(3) a review of the impact of the employee's failure; (4) corrective <br />action expected with time frames (if applicable); (5) consequences of <br />failure to take corrective action; and (6) reference to other disciplinary <br />actions (if applicable). A copy of the warning and any subsequent <br />warnings should be forwarded to the Human Resources Department for <br />inclusion in the employees personnel file. <br />Second written warning - As above but with a statement that any additional <br />unacceptable behavior may subject the employee to disciplinary action up <br />to, and including dismissal from employment with Cabarrus County <br />Government. <br />Pre-discipline conference If unacceptable behavior continues after the <br />two written warnings, the employee should be given written notice of a <br />pre-discipline conference. The conference should take place as outlined <br />in Section 5. <br />Actions resulting from the pre-discipline conference - with the <br />appropriate documentation. <br /> <br /> <br />