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366 <br /> <br />Amendment to Retirement Incentive Plan <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Barnhart and <br />unanimously carried, the Board amended Item C of the Retirement Incentive Plan <br />to read as follows: <br /> <br />Payments under this plan will be paid in the employee's final check <br />receiVed from the County, at his or her then current longevity rate. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />Reco~nttion of Vickey Pase and Alberta Roseman on their Retirement from the <br />Department of Social Services - Mr. Jim Cook <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Cook, Social Services Director, recognized Ms. Alberta Roseman and <br />Ms. Vickey Page on their retirement from the Department of Social Services. Ms. <br />Roseman worked as an In-Home Aide from January 8, 1990 to July 17, 1997. Ms. <br />Page began work as a Typist on May 27, 1968 and retired as the Department's <br />Administrative Officer on July 31, 1997. <br /> <br /> On behalf of the Board, Commissioner Carpenter presented plaques to Ms. <br />Roseman and Ms. Page in appreciation for their service to Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />Recognition of Lieutenant Jerry Troutman on his Retirement from the Cabarrus <br />County Sheriff's Department - Sheriff Robert Ganaday <br /> <br /> Sheriff Robert Canaday recognized Lieutenant Jerry Troutman on his <br />retirement from the Cabarrus County Sheriff's Department. Lieutenant Troutman <br />began work on September 1, 1969 and retired on July 31, 1997. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Carpenter presented a plaque to Lieutenant Troutman in <br />appreciation for his service to Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to EMS Paramedic Laura Davis <br /> <br /> Chairman Casper read a letter from Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. recognizing <br />EMS Paramedic Laura Davis for providing life-saving aid to a severely injured man <br />on February 27, 1997 while off duty in Indian Trail. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ron Harwood, Emergency Medical Services Director, commended Ms. Davis <br />for her quick actions to control the bleeding of the accident victim until local <br />paramedics could arrive and assume care. Without her intervention, the accident <br />victim might not have survived. <br /> <br /> Ms. Davis reported that Mr. Frank Conder, the accident victim, is <br />continuing therapy and has made an almost complete recovery. <br /> <br />Chairman Casper presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Ms. Davis. <br /> <br />Presentation of the Proposed Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance <br /> <br /> Mr. Mike Downs introduced the proposed Soil Erosion and Sedimentation <br />Control Ordinance,. a copy of which was included as a part of the agenda package. <br />Upon adoption of the Ordinance, Cabarrus County will begin an in-house program <br />to regulate activities related to soil erosion and sedimentation control within <br />the county. <br /> <br /> Mr. Matthew Kinane, District Conservationist, reported that the proposed <br />ordinance was the work of the Watershed Improvement Commission. He introduced <br />Commission Members Tommy Porter, Ross Morrison and F. A. "Jack' Rankin who were <br />present for the meeting. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Casper, seconded by Commissioner Mills and <br />unanimously carried, the Board set a public hearing at 7:00 P.M. on September 15, <br />1997 concerning the proposed Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. <br /> <br /> Chairman Casper recognized Ms. Myra Morrison, a member of the Soil and <br />Water Conservation Supervisors, who was present for the meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />