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412 <br /> <br /> Representative Richard Moore offered assistance on the State level to the <br />Board in writing the grant for future funding for this community. <br /> <br /> There was no one else to address the Board, and Chairman Casper closed the <br />public hearing. <br /> <br />Midland Area Plan - Public Hearing - 7:00 P.M. <br /> <br /> Ms. Linda Giltz, Planner, presented a general overview of the proposed <br />update to the Midland Area Plan which was originally adopted in December 1991. <br />She advised that the Area Plan will serve as a guide for future zoning in the <br />area. <br /> <br /> At 7:10 P.M., Chairman Casper opened the public hearing for the Midland <br />Area Plan and asked if anyone wished to address the Board regarding the proposed <br />Plan. <br /> <br /> Mr. Chris Beatty of 9870 Highway 601 supported the location of commercially <br />zoned property in the Midland area. <br /> <br /> Mr. Sam Wilson, owner of property at the intersection of Jim Sossamon Road <br />and Highway 601, supported commercial zoning at that intersection. He also <br />discussed increased traffic in the Midland area. <br /> <br /> Ms. Nancy Beatty of 9870 Highway 601 spoke in support of a commercial area <br />at the intersection of Jim Sossamon Road and Highway 601. <br /> <br /> Mr. Fred Daniels of 9775 Highway 601 supported commercial zoning at the <br />intersection of Jim Sossamon Road and Highway 601. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Scarbrough, Attorney representing a group of residents in the area <br />of Jim Sossamon Road, submitted a written statement regarding the proposed Plan. <br />He questioned the commercial node at the intersection of Jim Sossamon Road and <br />Highway 601 and commented on a pending lawsuit involving property at that <br />intersection. Mr. Scarbrough asked that the Board delete the commercial node <br />from the revised Plan as the Planning and Zoning Commission had voted 5-4 to do <br />at its meeting. <br /> <br /> Ms. Marilyn Barnhardt 500 Wabash Lane, Concord, commented on the increased <br />traffic on Highway 601 and the need to widen that road. She stated in her <br />opinion the Corning project is enough commercial business in the Midland area at <br />this time. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mary Szpara of 714 Honeysuckle Lane, Midland, discussed the importance <br />of maintaining the rural area and keeping the integrity of the residential area <br />intact. <br /> <br /> There was no one else to address the Board, and Chairman Casper closed the <br />public hearing at 7:25 P.M. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Mills with <br />Commissioners Barnhart, Mills and Niblock and Chairman Casper voting for and <br />Commissioner Carpenter voting against, the Board approved the Midland Area Plan <br />as presented by staff. The Plan as approved by the Board is on file in the <br />office of the County Manager and hereby included by reference as a part of the <br />minutes. <br /> <br />ReorRanizattonal Proposal for the Cabarrus County Parks and Recreation Commission <br /> <br /> Mr. Tom Lewis, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, presented <br />the reorganization proposal for the Parks and Recreation Commission. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Mills and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the reorganization of the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission. <br />The reorganization included the following: (1) Reduce Commission from the <br />current eleven (11) members to nine (9) members; (2) Include a member from the <br />Cabarrus County School Board and a member from the Kannapolis School Board with <br />the Kannapolis School Board position to be converted into a Township 4 position <br />if the schools merge; (3) Continue to have three-year terms with three members <br />of the commission having their terms expire every year; and (4) Include the <br /> <br /> <br />