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413 <br /> <br />following seats: Kannapolis School Board Representative; Cabarrus School Board <br />Representative; Township 1,2,3; Township 1,2,3; Township 4; Township 5,6,7,8; <br />Township 9,10; Township 11; and Township 12. <br /> <br />Presentation Concerning the Agricultural Building <br /> <br /> Mr. John Walker, Chairman of the Cabarrus County Extension Advisory <br />Council, stated a number of speakers were present to express their views on the <br />present agricultural building and the future of agricultural facilities in the <br />county. These speakers included Mr. Ralph Bonds, Ms. Judy Furr, Mr. John Suther, <br />Mr. Jerry Pless and Mr. Larry Taylor. <br /> <br /> Chairman Casper limited the number of speakers to four and asked all others <br />to address the Board during the Public Comments portion of the meeting. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ralph Bonds discussed the construction of the Extension Building which <br />he stated was built in 1979 at a cost of $1 million. He stated in his opinion <br />the facility would last at least 20 more years and estimated it would cost in <br />excess of $3 million to replace the facility. <br /> <br /> Ms. Judy Furr, an 18-year volunteer with Extension Services, discussed the <br />activities of the Extension Homemakers and the 4-H club members. She outlined <br />the following facility requirements: (1) Accessible location; (2) Staff office <br />space; (3) Large Learning Center; and (4) Breakout rooms for small worksessions. <br /> <br /> Mr. John Suther, Master of St. John's Grange, outlined concerns regarding <br />the proposed sale of the Extension Building. He discussed changes in <br />agricultural operations and the continued need for extension services in the <br />county. Mr. Suther listed the following facility requirements: (1) Central <br />location near present site; (2) Adequate office space; and (3) Meeting rooms with <br />equipment to conduct cooking, canning, and other demonstrations by Extension <br />personnel and 4-H members. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jerry Pless, representing the Farm Bureau, discussed the continued <br />importance of agriculture in Cabarrus County, the diversification of agricultural <br />products, and the economic and ecological benefits of farming. He stated the <br />approximately 1,300 to 1,400 farms in the county generate a total income of $16.4 <br />million annually. <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton explained that the Board had authorized architectural services <br />to study the space and activity needs for the agencies housed in the Extension <br />Building. He stated the County will look at all options regarding the relocation <br />of the facility. <br /> <br />Appeal of the Cabarrus County Planning and Zoning Commission Decision by <br />Westbrook Highland Creek~ LLC <br /> <br /> Mr. Mike Byrd, Planner, presented information regarding the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission's denial of a plat for an extension (67 lots) of the Highland <br />Creek development into Cabarrus County. The vote was 4-4 and Westbrook Highland <br />Creek, LLC has appealed the decision. At the Planning and Zoning Commission <br />meeting, staff had recommended the construction of an access road from Cabarrus <br />County prior to the issuance of any occupancy permits as well as the <br />establishment of the flood plain in the area. However, due to safety concerns, <br />Mr. Byrd advised that staff now recommended that no building permits be issued <br />until the access road is completed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Robert W. Bradshaw, Jr., Attorney representing Westbrook Highland <br />Creek, LLC, advised the developer would agree to the completion of the access <br />road prior to the issuance of any building permits. Stating that his client had <br />complied with the Subdivision Ordinance provisions as well as additional <br />requirements, Mr. Bradshaw stated in his opinion the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission has no authority to deny the plat for reasons outside the ordinance <br />or for no reason. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter <br />with Commissioners Barnhart, Carpenter and Niblock and Chairman Casper voting for <br />and Commissioner Mills voting against, the Board deferred the Westbrook Highland <br />Creek appeal at this time to allow an opportunity for discussions between County <br />staff and the developer. <br /> <br /> <br />