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431 <br /> <br />This agreement is entered into pursuant to Article 20 of Chapter <br />160A of the North Carolina General Statutes, Interlocal Cooperation, <br />Part 1, G.S. § 160A-460 et seq. and is for the joint exercise of <br />powers as provided herein. <br /> <br />Now therefore, the County and Board of Education agree as follows: <br /> <br />(1) The purpose of the agreement is to allow the County to submit <br />refund claims to the State of North Carolina under G.S. § 105-164.14 <br />and other applicable laws for sales taxes paid to the State by the <br />County on personal property purchased by the County for the Board of <br />Education for the construction and equipping of school buildings for <br />the benefit of the Board of Education on real property owned by the <br />County, and receive refunds of such~sales taxes paid by the County. <br /> <br />(2) As authorized by G. S. § 153A-158.1 (d), the Board of Education <br />will convey to the County by deed fee simple title to the real <br />property sites set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and <br />incorporated for the purpose of erection of school buildings or <br />additions to school buildings upon these sites. The contracts for <br />the erection of school buildings or additions to school buildings <br />shall be entered into and administered by the Board of Education, <br />including architect contracts and personal property acquisition <br />associated with and to be used in the constructed school buildings <br />or additions. The Board of Education shall act as the County's <br />designated representative for this purpose with full authorization <br />until the completion of the school buildings and acquisition of <br />personal property for the sites. <br /> <br />(3) The deeds from the Board of Education to the County of the real <br />property described in Exhibit A shall each contain automatic title <br />reverter clauses whereby the title to the real property site <br />automatically reverts by operation of law to the Board of Education <br />upon substantial completion of the construction on each site, as <br />evidenced in writing by the architect and the Board of Education, or <br />upon termination of this agreement, whichever occurs first. A <br />written certificate of substantial completion signed by the <br />architect and the Chairman of the Board of Education, or written <br />affidavits from the Architect and the Chairman of the Board of <br />Education, shall be sufficient to trigger automatic reversion. <br /> <br />(4) The County Finance Director and the School Finance Officer are <br />authorized to agree as to the method of making periodic payments to <br />the construction contractors for work performed and to administer <br />these arrangements on behalf of the County and the Board of <br />Education respectively. <br /> <br />(5) The County Manager and the School Superintendent are authorized <br />to administer this agreement on behalf of the County and the Board <br />of Education respectively as necessary. The Board of Commissioners <br />and the Board of Education may periodically add sites to Exhibit A <br />for inclusion in this agreement. <br /> <br />(6) This agreement shall continue until terminated by either <br />governmental unit upon thirty (30) days prior written notice of <br />termination to the other. Upon termination, title to all property <br />listed in Exhibit A shall automatically revert to the Board of <br />Education. <br /> <br />(7) Personnel of the County and the Schools are to execute the <br />undertaking of this agreement within funds made available by the <br />County and the Board of Education for this purpose. <br /> <br />In Witness Whereof the County and the Board of Education have set <br />their hands and seals as of the date set forth above. <br /> <br />Cabarrus County By: <br /> <br />Attest: <br /> <br />Chairman, Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />(County Seal) <br /> <br /> <br />