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426 <br /> <br /> Commissioner Mills proposed that the County also consider a local <br />referendum to increase the property tax homestead exemption to $25,000.00. After <br />discussion, there was consensus to add this issue to the public hearing to be <br />held on December 4. <br /> <br />RecoRnition of GIS Staff for WinntnR 'Best Display of a Prolect" at the South <br />East Resional Users Group Conference <br /> <br /> Mr. John Day, Deputy County Manager for Operations, recognized Ms. Suzanne <br />Boyd, Geographic Information Services (GIS) Coordinator, and Mr. Todd Shanley, <br />GIS Analyst, for recent accomplishments. The public may now access geographic <br />based data on the Internet at the County's Web site. Also, Ms. Boyd and Mr. <br />Shanley recently received the "Best Display of a Project" award at a South East <br />Regional Users Group Conference. <br /> <br /> Ms. Boyd described the awarding winning poster which demonstrated how GIS <br />played a major role in recruiting Corning telecommunications and fiber optics <br />company to Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />Presentation Concernin8 the Capital Campaign by Barber-Scotia College - Dr. <br />Sammte Portsr President of Barber-Scotia College <br /> <br /> Chairman Casper announced that Dr. Sammie Ports could not be present due <br />to an illness in his family. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carpenter, seconded by Commissioner Niblock and <br />unanimously carried, the Board moved to defer the presentation by Dr. Ports until <br />the December meeting. <br /> <br />Application to the North Carolina'Clean Water Trust Fund by the LandTrust for <br />Central North Carolina for Funds to Purchase Easements Onr or Title to~ Land for <br />Open Space Protection - Hr. Jeff Hichael~ Executive Director of the Land Trust <br />for Central North Carolina <br /> <br /> Mr. Jeff Michael, Executive Director of the LandTrust for Central North <br />Carolina, explained the State's Natural Heritage Program and efforts to protect <br />the Clarke Creek wetlands in Cabarrus County. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Niblock, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter and <br />unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following Resolution. <br /> <br />Resolution No. 1997-28 <br /> <br /> RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT <br /> FOR <br />PROTECTION OF CLARKE CREEK WETLANDS/HERONRY <br /> <br />WHEREAS the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners supports efforts <br />to protect water quality and natural areas in Cabarrus County; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners is currently <br />working with the State of North Carolina's Natural Heritage Program <br />in funding a Cabarrus County Natural Heritage Inventory; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS the Gabarrus County Natural Heritage Inventory recently <br />identified an important wetlands resource along Clarke Creek in <br />western Cabarrus County that plays an important role in protecting <br />the Clarke Greek and Rocky River watersheds from non-point sources <br />of pollution, as well as providing an important habitat for the <br />great blue heron and other species of waterfowl; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS the area surrounding this Clarke Creek wetlands resource is <br />experiencing rapid urban development as evidenced by the adjacent <br />Highland Creek subdivision in eastern Mecklenburg County; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS The LandTrust for Central North Carolina is currently <br />seeking to obtain funding from North Carolina's Clean Water <br />Management Trust Fund for the purposes of buying land and obtaining <br />conservation easements within the Clarke Creek wetlands area; and <br /> <br /> <br />