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107 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Mills and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved in concept the establishment of a Public <br />Health Authority for Cabarrus County and asked the County Manager and County <br />Attorney to develop the enabling resolution for the establishment of the <br />Authority. <br /> <br /> Chairman Barnhart expressed the Board's appreciation to the members of the <br />Public Health Authority Task Force for their work. <br /> <br />Presentation of the FY 1996-97 Cabarrus County Schools Budget - Dr. Harold <br />Winkler, Superintendent <br /> <br /> Mr. Gary Hahn, Chairman of the Cabarrus County Board of Education, <br />explained the new school-based approach used by the school system in developing <br />its 1996-97 budget proposal. He reported that the needs had been prioritized and <br />that each item included in the budget was essential. Stating that the school <br />system's goal is to provide a quality education for the children of Cabarrus <br />County, Mr. Hahn urged the adoption of the budget as submitted by the Board of <br />Education. <br /> <br /> Dr. Harold Winkler, Cabarrus County Schools Superintendent, reviewed the <br />FY 1996-97 County Schools budget proposal which requested an 8 percent increase <br />in County funding. Dr. Winkler addressed the pressure of continued growth and the <br />loss of buying power as more students come into the school system. He pointed <br />out that Cabarrus County has the lowest per pupil expenditure of 18 surrounding <br />counties, but ranks in the top 10 to 12 school systems in the state. In <br />conclusion, Dr. Winkler asked the Board to give serious consideration to the <br />school system's budget request. <br /> <br />Proposed FY 1996-97 Cabarrus County Budget - Public Hearing - 7:00 P.M. <br /> <br /> At 7:05 P.M., Chairman Barnhart opened the public hearing on the proposed <br />FY 1996-97 Cabarrus County Budget. He asked if anyone were present who wished <br />to speak either for or against the proposed budget. <br /> <br /> Ms. Peggy Cleveland, Executive Director of the Cooperative Christian <br />Ministry, spoke in support of County allocation of $10,000.00 to the Ministry. <br />She stated that the funding is used with other available funds to assist persons <br />with rent, utilities and prescription medicine. <br /> <br /> Ms. Rebecca Moffitt, representative of the Cabarrus Victims Assistance <br />Network (CVAN) Battered Women's Program, requested $15,000.00 in County funding <br />for CVAN. The current County contribution of $13,000.00 makes up approximately <br />six percent (6%) of the total budget for CVAN which helps to provide alternatives <br />for battered women and children in Cabarrus County. <br /> <br /> There was no one else present who wished to address the Board, and Chairman <br />Barnhart closed the public hearing at 7:10 P.M. <br /> <br />Resolution Approving Issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds by the <br />Cabarrus County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority <br />for S&D Coffee, Inc. In the Amount of $6,700~000 <br /> <br />The following resolution was introduced and the title was read: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL <br />DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS BY THE CABARRUS COUNTY <br />INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTION CONTROL <br />FINANCING AUTHORITY FOR S&D COFFEE, INC. IN THE <br /> AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF UP TO $6,700,000 <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, The Cabarrus County Industrial Facilities and <br />Pollution Control Financing Authority (the Authority) has agreed to <br />assist in the financing under the North Carolina Industrial and <br />Pollution Control Facilities Financing Act (the Act) of an expansion <br />to an existing coffee manufacturing facility in Cabarrus County by <br />S&D Coffee, Inc.; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Authority intends to issue its Tax-Exempt <br />Adjustable Mode Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (S&D Coffee, <br />Inc. Project) Series 1996 (the Bonds) in the principal amount of <br />$6,700,000; and <br /> <br /> <br />