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170 <br /> <br />Mr. Wiseman advised that three potential sites adjacent to the existing landf~ill <br />are now being evaluated by the County for expansion and that operation of the new <br />landfill is scheduled to begin on September 1, 1996. <br /> <br /> The Board discussed composting and the need to explore the possibility of <br />a composting facility along with the expansion plans for the landfill. ~r. <br />Wiseman cautioned that there have been some failures in composting operations <br />throughout the country and pointed out that the County will still need a landftll <br />for those items that cannot be composted or recycled. Dr. Pilkington estimated <br />the cost for a facility to compost 200 tons per day at $18 to $20 million. He <br />stated that flow control authority and the use of general fund revenues, along <br />with the tipping/user fees, will be necessary to operate a successful facility <br />and maintain competitive rates. The Board by general consensus asked that the <br />composting study be completed by the second meeting in August. Also, Chairman- <br />Barnhart asked Dr. Pilkington to keep Board members informed regarding the status <br />of pending flow control legislation. <br /> <br /> There was brief discussion regarding the poor participation in the County's <br />recycling program. Dr. Pilkington reported that efforts will continue to improve <br />the current 25 to 30 percent participation rate. <br /> <br />Appointment - Harrisburg Planning and Zoning Board and Harrisburg Zoning Board <br />of Adjustment (1) <br /> <br /> The Board received the recommendation from the Harrisburg Town Council for <br />the reappotntment of Mr. Ted Powell to the Harrisburg Planning and Zoning Board <br />and the Harrisburg Zoning Board of Adjustment. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Payne and <br />unanimously carried, the Board reappointed Mr. Ted Powell as the extraterritorial <br />jurisdiction member to the Harrisburg Planning and Zoning Board and the <br />Harrisburg Zoning Board of Adjustment for a term of three years ending July 1, <br />1997. <br /> <br />Appointments - Community Based Alternatives Task Force (8) <br /> <br /> The following nominations were submitted by the Community Based <br />Alternatives (CBA) Task Force Nominating Committee for appointment to the Task <br />Force: Hugerietta B. Franklin, Jeffery A. Mingo, Sgt. R. H. "Bucky" Simpson, Ms. <br />Sylvia B. Smith, Ms. Sue R. Rutland, Ms. Jean Bradley, Mr. Melvin Denton, and Mr. <br />Wesley B. Seamon. <br /> <br /> Chairman Barnhart nominated Ms. Jean Bradley and Mr. Melvin Denton for <br />reappointment to the CBA Task Force. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Fennel and <br />unanimously carried, the Board moved that nominations be closed and Ms. Jean <br />Bradley and Mr. Melvin Denton be reappointed by acclamation to the CBA Task Force <br />for terms of three years ending June 30, 1997. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Fennel and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed Mr. Wesley Seamon to the CBA Task Force <br />to fill the position previously held by Mr. Verne Brady. Mr. Seamon will <br />complete an unexpired term ending June 30, 1995. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Fennel and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed Ms. Sylvia B. Smith to the CBA Task <br />Force to fill the position previously held by Ms. Katherine Blount. Ms. Smith <br />will complete an unexpired term ending June 30, 1995. <br /> <br /> Chairman Barnhart made a motion to nominate Ms. Hugerietta B. Franklin, Mr. <br />Jeffery A. Mingo, Sgt. R. H. "Bucky" Simpson, and Ms. Sue Rutland to the CBA Task <br />Force for terms of three years ending June 30, 1997. The motion died for lack <br />of a second. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Casper nominated Ms. Hugerietta B. Franklin and Sgt. R. H. <br />"Bucky" Simpson for appointment to the Task Force. The nomination was seconded <br />by Commissioner Fennel. <br /> <br /> <br />