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162 <br /> <br />Section 4, Payment at a Listed Rate <br /> Ail employees covered by the pay plan shall be paid at a <br />listed rate within the salary ranges established for their <br />respective job classes except for employees in a trainee status, or <br />employees whose present salaries are above the established maximum <br />rate following transition to a new pay plan or due to a Job status <br />change. <br />Section 5. Salary of a Trainee <br /> An applicant hired or an employee promoted to a position who <br />does not meet all the established requirements of the position may <br />be appointed at a rate in the pay plan below the minimum rate <br />established for that position. The established trainee rate for any <br />given position shall be the hiring rate for the salary grade below <br />the one of that position. An employee at the trainee level shall be <br />evaluated every six months. The department head may certify that the <br />trainee is qualified to assume the full responsibilities of the <br />position at the conclusion of any six-month evaluation period. At <br />this point the employee will be paid at the entry salary for the <br />position. They then become eligible for development increases on <br />subsequent anniversaries of the date they were released from trainee <br />status. <br /> No employee shall remain in a trainee status (pay below lowest <br />amount for salary grade assigned to his or her job classification) <br />for more than twelve (12) months. <br /> This section will not apply to employees covered by the State <br />Personnel Act and are designated as trainees by the Office of State <br />Personnel. <br />Section 6, Pay Rates in Promotion, Demotion. Transfer, and <br />Reclassification <br />(a) When an employee is promoted to a position in a higher pay <br /> range, then the employee shall receive a ten pay level <br /> increase (approximately 5%) or an increase to the entry salary <br /> of the new salary grade, whichever is greater. <br />(b) When an employee is demoted for nondisciplinary reasons or has <br /> a job status change which results in a lower pay range being <br /> assigned to the employee's job, the employee's pay shall <br /> remain the same (except that it shall not exceed fifteen pay <br /> levels (approximately 7.5%) over the maximum of the new range <br /> until general schedule adjustments or range revisions bring it <br /> back within the lower range); or his or her salary may be <br /> reduced to any amount in the lower salary range, as long as <br /> the reduced salary does not fall below the minimum salary rate <br /> of that range. <br />(c) When an employee is demoted for disciplinary reasons which <br /> results in a lower pay range being assigned to the employee's <br /> job, the employee's pay will be placed at the job rate of the <br /> lower pay range or have his or her salary reduced by twenty <br /> pay levels (approximately 10%) whichever is less, upon the <br /> recommendation of the department head with the approval of the <br /> County Manager. <br /> (d) When an employee is transferred to a position in the same pay <br /> range, then he or she will normally retain the same salary in <br /> that pay range. Adjustments to the salary can be made for <br /> special situations, if justified, upon recommendation by the <br /> department head with the approval of the County Manager. <br /> (e) When a position is reclassified to a higher salary range, <br /> employees at the job rate or below shall move to the new <br /> salary grade and retain their relative position in the range. <br /> Employees above the job rate shall move to the new salary <br /> grade and receive an increase to the job rate of the new <br /> salary grade or a ten level pay increase (approximately 5%), <br /> whichever rate of pay is greater. <br />Section 7. Pay Rates in Pay Plan Adjustments <br /> When the Board of Commissioners approves a change in salary <br />range for a class of positions, the salaries of the employees whose <br />positions are allocated to that class shall be affected as follows: <br /> (a) When a class of positions is assigned to a higher salary <br /> range, employees at the job rate or below shall move to the <br /> new salary grade and retain their relative position in the <br /> <br /> <br />