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163 <br /> <br /> range. Employees above the job rate shall move to the new <br /> salary grade and receive an increase'to the job rate or a ten <br /> level pay increase (approximately 5%), whichever rate of pay <br /> is greater. <br /> (b) When a class of positions is assigned to a lower salary range, <br /> employees will move to the new salary grade and will retain <br /> their current rate of pay, not to exceed the maximum rate of <br /> pay of the salary grade by more than fifteen pay levels <br /> (approximately 7.5%) until general schedule adjustments or <br /> range revisions bring it back within the lower range <br /> Section 8. Pay Rates For Interim Job Assignments <br /> Occasionally a position vacancy or the long term absence of <br /> the person in the position requires the temporary assignment of all <br /> or part of such a position's duties to another county employee. A <br /> temporary increase would be implemented in the salary of an employee <br /> accepting such an assignment with the approval of the County Manager <br /> and based upon the following scale. <br /> TEMPORARY <br /> POSITION SALARY INCREASE <br /> Department Head 20 to 40 pay levels <br /> (approximately 10 to 20%) <br /> Supervisory Positions 20 to 30 pay levels <br /> (approximately 10 to 15%) <br /> Other Key Positions 10 to 20 pay levels <br /> (approximately 5 to 10%) <br /> The exact size of the temporary increase will be based upon <br /> the size of the department, the significance of duties assumed and <br /> the level of responsibility for persons, property and operations. <br /> Increases will not be given for additional duties that are routine <br /> or similar to those of an employee's regular job assignment. <br /> Section 9. Pay for Part-Time Work <br /> The pay plan established by this policy is for full-time <br /> service. An employee appointed for less than full-time service will <br /> be paid a prorated amount determined by converting the established <br /> salary to an hourly rate. <br /> Section 10~ Overtime <br /> · Overtime work shall be administered in accordance with the <br /> Wage and Hour Policy as contained in Appendix C. Compensatory time <br /> may be taken with the prior approval of the supervisor, in <br /> accordance with the Wage and Hour Policy as contained in Appendix C. <br /> Section 11, Call Back Pay <br /> Any County employee eligible to receive overtime compensation <br /> or compensatory time as defined in the Wage and Hour Policy <br />~contained in Appendix C shall be guaranteed a minimum of two hours <br /> for being called back to work outside of normal working hours. <br /> Section 12. Payroll Deductions <br /> Only payroll deductions specifically mandated or authorized by <br /> Federal or State act, or authorized by the Board of Commissioners, <br /> may be deducted from each employee's pay at each pay period. <br /> Section 13. Longevity Pay Plan <br /> The Cabarrus County Longevity Pay Plan was discontinued <br /> effective July 1, 1993. Each employee receiving this benefit prior <br /> to this date will continue to do so. This "grandfathered" benefit <br /> will be paid in the biweekly pay checks, at an amount equal to that <br /> which was in effect on June 30, 1993. Recipients will lose this <br /> benefit upon separation from employment with Cabarrus County. <br /> Section 14, Education Incentive Program <br /> Although the minimumqualifications have been established for <br /> all classifications within the County, certain classifications are <br /> awarded educational incentives if the employee obtains an <br /> educational level higher than the minimum requirements. A maximum <br /> educational level to which the incentive will apply shall be <br /> established by the County Manager for each eligible position. In <br /> addition, these classifications must be recommended by the County <br /> Manager and approved by the Board of County Commissioners. The <br /> classifications eligible for the educational incentive program are <br /> listed in Appendix G of the Personnel Ordinance. The educational <br /> incentive program is established to pay $.75 per month or $9.00 per <br /> year for each quarter hour up to 96 quarter hours of credit toward <br /> <br /> <br />