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166 <br /> <br />of law enforcement personnel-171 hours in a 28 day work period. Effective <br />July 8, 1994, these employees will no longer be allowed to accumulate such <br />compensatory time on an unlimited basis. <br /> As of that date, no additional compensatory time may be accumulated <br />when an employee has a total of 40 or more hours. Those employees having <br />less than the 40 hours total may continue to be granted compensatory"time <br />up to the 40 hour limit. Those with 40 or more hours cannot be granted <br />additional hours until their totals are reduced below the limit by u~age. <br />Time sheets should reflect the hours actually worked, but the compensatory <br />time section should be used following the above guidelines. <br /> Any compensatory time accumulated through the end of work on July 7, <br />1994, and in excess of the 40 hour limit, should be used on the following <br />schedule: <br />TOTAL TIME ACCRUED REDUCE TO 40 HOUR TOTAL BY <br />40+ to 300 hours 7/06/95 <br />300+ to 1500 hours 7/04/96 <br /> As of July 5, 1996, compensatory time totals for exempt'empl~yees will <br />be reduced to 40 hours for those employees not already at the limit or <br />below. <br />As before: <br />1. Granting of compensatory leave is not automatic and must be approved <br /> by the designated supervisor. <br />2. Exempt employees will not receive financial compensation in lieu of <br /> compensatory leave. <br />3. Accrued compensatory leave for such employees shall be forfeited at <br /> the termination of employment. <br />4. This policy is not intended to establish a maximum 40 hour work week <br /> for salaried exempt personnel. <br /> <br />Amend the Last Paragraph of Section 6 - Compensatory Time, Appendix C -.Wage <br />and Hour Policy of the Cabarrus County Personnel Ordinance to read as <br />follows effective July 8, 1994. <br /> <br /> Excluding the County Manager and elected officials, any employee who <br />is exempt from the FLSA minimum wage and overtime compensation requirements <br />may be granted compensatory time at the discretion of the department head. <br />Compensatory time for such employees shall not exceed an'houk-for-hour <br />exchange for all hours worked over 40 in a normal work week, or in the case <br />of law enforcement personnel-171 hours in a 28 day work period. Such <br />compensatory time will be limited to a maximum cumulative total of 40 hours. <br />Those employees having less than the 40 hour total may continue to be <br />granted compensatory time up to the 40 hour limit. Those with 40 hours <br />cannot be granted additional hours until their totals are reduced below the <br />limit by usage. Time sheets should reflect the hours actually worked, but <br />the compensatory time section should be used following the 40 hour <br />limitation. Accrued compensatory time for such employees shall be forfeited <br />at the employee's termination of employment. This policy is not intended to <br />establish a 40 hour work week for exempt personnel. <br /> <br />Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (E&DTAP) Grant Application <br /> <br /> Commissioner Casper reported that problems had occurred during the holiday <br />weekend regarding transportation for dialysis patients. This matter will be <br />discussed with Mr. Mike Byrd, Transportation Planner, who was not present for the <br />meeting. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Gasper and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the following Statement to accompany the <br />Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance program (E&DTAP) and Medicaid <br />Transportation Assistance Program (MTAP) grant application. <br /> <br />CERTIFIED STATEMENT <br /> <br />Pursuant to G.S. 136-44.27, the North Carolina Elderly and Disabled <br />Transportation Assistance Program, and pursuant to the Medicaid <br />Transportation Assistance Program, this is to certify that the <br />undersigned is the duly elected, qualified and acting chairperson of <br />the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Cabarrus, North <br />Carolina, and that the following statements are true and correct: <br /> <br /> <br />