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477 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Chairman Carpenter with <br />Commissioners Barnhart, Payne, and Hamby and Chairman Carpenter voting for, the <br />Board authorized Mr. John Witherspoon, County Manager, to sign a letter stating <br />the County's intent to form a consortium with the City of Concord under the <br />State's Home Investment Partnerships Program and to submit an application for <br />HOME monies. <br /> Mr. James F. Cook, Jr., Social Services Director; Mr. Jerry Newton, <br />Director of Planning, Zoning and Building Inspection; and Mr. Lewis Williams, <br />Veteran Service Officer, presented the proposed Cost Containment Program for <br />Cabarrus County. This plan addressed cost saving measures and ways to improve <br />the quality of the County's service to the public. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Payne, seconded by Commissioner Hamby with <br />Commissioners Payne, Hamby, and Barnhart and Chairman Carpenter voting for, the <br />Board tabled consideration of the proposed Cost Containment Plan until the next <br />meeting. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Hamby with <br />Commissioners Barnhart, Hamby, and Payne and Chairman Carpenter voting for, the <br />Board adopted the "Fair Housing Resolution of the County of Cabarrus, North <br />Carolina" and the "Recipient's Plan to Further Fair Housing". The Board further <br />authorized the Chairman to execute each document on behalf of Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />FAIR HOUSING RESOLUTION OF THE <br />COUNTY OF CABARRUS, NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the County of Cabarrus seeks to protect the health, <br />safety and welfare of its residents; and <br /> WHEREAS, citizens seek safe, sanitary and habitable dwellings <br />in all areas of the County; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County of Cabarrus finds the denial of equal <br />housing opportunities because of religious, race, color, sex or <br />national origin legally wrong and socially unjust; and <br /> WHEREAS, the denial of equal housing opportunities inhousing <br />accommodations is detrimental to public welfare and public order; <br />and <br /> WHEREAS, the County of Cabarrus finds the practice of <br />discrimination against a citizen in housing a denial of his equal <br />rights and his equal opportunity to seek a better living condition <br />and develop community pride; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners <br />of the County of Cabarrus, North Carolina, that: <br />Section 1. Cabarrus County has declared it an official policy of <br /> County government that there shall not be discrimination <br /> in the terms or conditions for buying or renting housing <br /> in Cabarrus County. <br />Section 2. Ail business groups and individual citizens of the <br /> County are urged to respect and implement this policy. <br />Section 3. The Director of Planning, Zoning and Building <br /> Inspections of Cabarrus County is the official <br /> authorized by the County to (1) receive and document <br /> complaints regarding housing discriminatiom in the <br /> County; and (2) refer such complaints to the North <br /> Carolina Human Relations Council for investigation, <br /> conciliation and resolution. <br />Adopted this 9th day of March, 1992. <br /> /s/ Carolyn B. Carpenter <br /> Chairman <br />/s/ Frankie F. Bonds <br /> Clerk <br /> <br /> The activities contained in the "Recipient's Plan to Further Fair Housing" <br />included adoption of the Fair Housing Resolution, development and distribution <br />of pamphlets that summarize Title VIII requirements, and publication of the <br />Title VIII requirements and the County's complaint process. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Hamby with <br />Commissioners Barnhart, Hamby, and Payne and Chairman Carpenter voting for, the <br />Board adopted the following Proclamation. <br /> <br /> <br />