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13 <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the AUTHORITY is required by the state and federal regulations to <br />control all non-domestic wastewater discharges into the Rocky River Regional <br />Wastewater Treatment Plant by development and implementation of a pretreatment <br />programl and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the State Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources <br />is requiring an inter-jurisdictional pretreatment agreement, with each local <br />jurisdiction served, for the implementation and enforcement of the pretreatment <br />program, by the AUTHORITY within the COUNTY, in accordance with 40-CFR Section <br />403 of the Federal Regulations. <br /> <br />1) <br /> <br />2) <br /> <br />3) <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />Pretreatment and Surcharge Program Agreement <br /> Article I <br /> <br />Section A- Pretreatment Program <br /> <br />4) <br /> <br />The AUTHORITY agrees to provide, implement, and maintain an approved <br />pretreatment program as required by state and federal laws and regulations <br />for the control of non-domestic discharges, in accordance with 40 CFR <br />Section 403 of the Federal Regulations. <br /> <br />5) <br /> <br />As part of the pretreatment program, the AUTHORITY~s Sewer Use Ordinance, <br />which shall be amended as necessary to remain consistent with state and <br />federal regulations, contains the conditions and limitations to be met by <br />each non-domestic discharger including federal and state pretreatment <br />standards. This allows the AUTHORITY to deny or conditionally approve new <br />or increased contribution of pollutants and to establish requirements for <br />existing sources. The Ordinance establishes the requirements for filing an <br />Application for a Permit to discharge non-domestic wastewater into the <br />Rocky River Regional Wastewater System. The Ordinance also establishes the <br />following authorities: <br /> <br />a) <br /> <br />The Ordinance requires existing non-domestic users to develop a <br />compliance schedule for the installation of technology necessary to <br />meet pretreatment standards and to submit self-monitoring reports. <br /> <br />b) <br /> <br />The Ordinance gives the staff of the AUTHORITY the authority to <br />carry out inspections, surveillances and monitoring procedures <br />necessary to determine compliance. This shall include the right to <br />enter a non-domestic user's premises to examine records of <br />monitoring activities. <br /> <br />c) <br /> <br />The Ordinance allows the AUTHORITY to seek injunctive relief for <br />noncompliance and to seek and assess civil penalties for <br />noncompliance. <br /> <br />d) <br /> <br />The Ordinance gives the AUTHORITY the authority to halt or prevent <br />any discharges that present or are likely to present an imminent <br />danger to health, the environment, or that threaten to interfere <br />with the operations of the Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment <br />Plant. <br /> <br />The COUNTY agrees to adopt a Sewer Use Ordinance that parallels the Sewer <br />Use Ordinance adopted by the AUTHORITY, which is consistent with state and <br />federal regulations. The COUNTY's Ordinance shall be amended as necessary <br />to insure that all the requirements of the COUNTY's Ordinance are as <br />stringent as the requirements of the AUTHORITY~s Sewer Use Ordinan6e. <br /> <br />The COUNTY agrees to require, by ordinance, that all non-domestic <br />dischargers, existing and future file an Application for Permit directly <br />with the AUTHORITY and to comply with all other provisions of the <br />AUTHORITY's Sewer Use Ordinance. <br /> <br />A copy of the draft permit shall first be sent to the COUNTY, by the <br />AUTHORITY, for review and approval. Comments must be received by the <br />AUTHORITY within 14 days from the date received by the COUNTY or the <br />permit shall be sent to the industrial user and the State for approval as <br /> <br /> <br />