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commonly referred to as "tax roll" information, specifically including, but not <br />limited to, appraised values for all real properties located within the <br />boundaries of Cabarrus County; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Cabarrus MLS is desirous of the County providing the Cabarrus <br />MLS with such "tax roll" information, and the County desires to provide such <br />information. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and reciprocal promises <br />herein contained, and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt of <br />which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows, that: <br /> <br /> 1. The County shall provide the Cabarrus MLS with all tax roll data, or <br />information, as hereinbefore defined, which is to cover, or include, all <br />properties lying within the confines of the County of Cabarrus, which, again, is <br />to specifically include County-appraised values for such properties. <br /> <br /> 2. Recognizing that an outside vendor presently provides computer services <br />to the Cabarrus MLS used in connection with publishing the Multiple Listing <br />Service of the Cabarrus County Association of Realtors®, Inc. Sold Book <br />("Cabarrus MLS Book"), and that an outside vendor, or vendors, may continue to <br />provide such services, the County shall work with such vendor, or vendors, in <br />order to develop an electronic media (magnetic tape) tax roll data file that will <br />be compatible with the computer system of such vendor(s). In furtherance thereof, <br />the Cabarrus MLS will coordinate efforts between the County and the particular <br />vendor(s) in developing the electronic media (magnetic tape) necessary to achieve <br />computer compatibility. <br /> <br /> 3. The County shall provide the Cabarrus MLS a new tape of tax roll data <br />on a quarterly basis subsequent to the date the initial information has been made <br />available via computer ("on line"). In order to insure that such information is <br />on line at the expiration of each such period, the Cabarrus MLS will contact the <br />County forty-five (45) days in advance of the expiration of each quarterly <br />period, so as to acquire the new electronic media (magnetic tape) from the County <br />for forwarding to the computer services vendor for programming for later <br />on-screen availability. <br /> <br /> 4. The Cabarrus MLS will pay the County the sum of Two Thousand Four <br />Hundred Dollars ($2,400.00) per year, in monthly installments of Two Hundred <br />Dollars ($200.00) each, for the provision of the tax roll data as described <br />herein. Said monthly payments will commence on the date that the tax roll data <br />is available via Cabarrus MLS computer ("on line"), provided, however, that if <br />the commencement date for payments falls on a day other than the first day of a <br />calendar month, the installment for the portion of such month involving the <br />commencement of payments shall be prorated. Thereafter, monthly payments shall <br />be due and payable in advance on the first day of each and every month throughout <br />the term hereof. <br /> <br /> Provided, however, that the County may, upon ninety (90) days advance <br />written notice, increase the amount of said monthly payments required of the <br />Cabarrus MLS, effective as of July 1 of each year during the term of this <br />Agreement, as a result of any increased costs to the County for the provision of <br />such tax roll data. The amount of such monthly payments, although, may not be <br />increased, from year to year, by more than four percent (4%) from the amount of <br />such payments for the preceding twelve (12) months period. <br /> <br /> 5. The Cabarrus MLS will provide the County with "on line" access to its <br />sold and closed data as reported to the MLS, in consideration of which the County <br />will pay the Cabarrus MLS the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200.O0) <br />annually, to be paid in monthly installments of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) <br />each. Said monthly payments will commence, and will continue to be due and <br />payable upon precisely the same schedule, and in the same manner, as set forth <br />in paragraph 4 hereinabove. <br /> <br /> Provided, however, that the Cabarrus MLS may, upon ninety (90) days advance <br />written notice, increase the amount of said monthly payments required of the <br />County, effective as of January 1 of each year during the term of this Agreement, <br />as a result of any increased costs to the Cabarrus MLS for the provision of such <br />sold and closed data. The amount of such monthly payments, although, may not be <br /> <br /> <br />