<br />
<br /> EXHIBIT A
<br />
<br /> 1. The Planner shall serve as a staff member for the Harrisburg Planning
<br />Board, Board of Adjustment, and Town Council as requested.
<br /> 2. HARRISBURG shall name the Planner as Harrisburg Zoning Administrator,
<br />and shall authorize the Cabarrus County Planning & Zoning Department to act in
<br />his/her absence.
<br /> The Planner shall be involved in the issuance of permits, shall check
<br />construction for plan compliance, shall issue certificates of occupancy, and
<br />shall investigate, review, and correct complaints. The work shall also include
<br />review of zoning amendments (both text and map). This will keep HARRISBURG's
<br />ordinance up-to-date and accurate while providing a professional review of
<br />zoning change requests. Additionally, the Planner shall also review and present
<br />variances, special uses, and appeals to the appropriate board.
<br /> 3. HARRISBURG shall name the Planner as Harrisburg Subdivision
<br />Administrator and shall authorize the Cabarrus County Planning & Zoning
<br />Department to act in his/her absence.
<br /> The Planner shall review sketch plats, minor plats, major plats and final
<br />plats, and shall make recommendations as provided in the Subdivision Ordinance.
<br />The work shall also involve periodic text amendments suggested as an annual
<br />review with the intent of keeping the documents up-to-date.
<br /> 4. As directed by HARRISBURG, the Planner shall work on an update of
<br />HARRISBURG's comprehensive land use plan or elements of the land use plan.
<br />Also, as requested by HARRISBURG, the Planner will work on a variety of other
<br />projects which could include detailed plans, thematic planning, corridor
<br />planning, review and response work, and otherwise serve as a representative for
<br />HARRISBURG as needed.
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Chairman Simmons with
<br />Commissioners Barnhart, Carpenter and Hamby and Chairman Simmons voting for,
<br />the Board approved the following appointments to the Cabarrus County Library
<br />Board of Trustees for a term of three years ending July 31, 1994.
<br />
<br />Charles Thurston
<br />Vickey C. Cline
<br />
<br />
<br />Kannapolts
<br />Mt. Pleasant
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter
<br />with Commissioners Barnhart, Carpenter, and Hamby and Chairman Simmons voting
<br />for, the Board appointed Ms. Margaret H. Humann to the Jury Commission to fill
<br />the position previously held by Ms. Jane Spatnhour. Ms. Humann's appointment was
<br />for a term of two years ending September 30, 1993.
<br />
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Hamby, seconded by Commissioner Barnhart with
<br />Commissioners Hamby, Barnhart and Carpenter and Chairman Simmons voting for,
<br />the Board authorized the retransfer of a 0.552 acre tract of property located
<br />in the Coddle Creek Reservoir area that is no longer necessary for public use
<br />to Frank A. Rankln and wife, Patricla H. Ranktn, at a cost of $1,139.88 and
<br />subject to the terms of the "Notice of Retransfer of Real Property from Cabarrus
<br />County to Prior Owner" as published in The Concord Tribune on September 2, 1991.
<br />The property to be transferred is described as follows:
<br />
<br /> Lying and being in No. 3 Township, Cabarrus County, North
<br />Carolina, adjoining now or formerly the F. A. Rankin heirs and
<br />Cabarrus County, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />
<br /> BEGINNING at an existing two-inch iron pipe (said iron pipe
<br />being N. 75-07-23 W., 107.74 feet from an existing hub and tack;
<br />thence with the previous acquisition line of Cabarrus County, S. 29-
<br />23-32 E., 431.77 feet to an existing two-inch iron pipe); thence
<br />three (3) new lines as follows: (1) N. 61-06-52 W., 114.27 feet to
<br />a set iron pipe (No. 5 rebar); (2) N. 42-08-42 W., 167.36 feet to
<br />a set iron pipe (No. 5 rebar); (3) N. 00-07-55 E., 196.90 feet to
<br />the BEGINNING, containing 0.552 acres, more or less, as surveyed and
<br />platted by Frank A. Rankin, III, Registered Land Surveyor for
<br />Concord Engineering & Surveying, Inc., on October 6, 1986.
<br />
<br />
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