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Planning and Zoning Commission <br />Minutes <br />December 14, 2021 <br /> <br />3. When the Board is ready to proceed, the proponents (those speaking generally in favor of the <br />case) will have a total of 15 minutes to speak and/or present documents in support of their <br />position. The 15-minute time limit does not include questions directed to the proponents by <br />the Commission. <br /> <br />4. After the proponents finish, the opponents (those speaking generally against the case) will <br />have a total of 15 minutes to speak and/or present documents in support of their position. <br />The 15-minute time limit does not include questions directed to the opponents by the <br />Commission. <br /> <br />5. Each side will then have 3 minutes for rebuttal, with the proponents going first. Again, <br />questions directed to the speaker will not count against the time limit. This will conclude the <br />public hearing portion of the meeting and the Commission will proceed to deliberation. <br /> <br />6. Each side is strongly encouraged to use a spokesperson to present the positions commonly <br />held by each. Each side is also strongly encouraged to organize their speakers and <br />presentations to ensure that all persons wanting to speak will have time to do so. <br /> <br />7. If a speaker has questions of a person on the other side, such questions shall be addressed to <br />the Commission members to be redirected to the person to be asked. There will be no direct <br />questioning of one speaker by another except through the Commission. <br /> <br />8. <br />Any other type of audible support shall be out of order and subject the offender to being <br />removed from the building. Anyone speaking out of order shall likewise be subject to <br />removal. <br /> <br />9. These rules are designed to have a full and fair hearing that is orderly and expeditious and <br />avoid unnecessarily repetitious presentations. <br />Mr. Jeff Corley MOTIONED, SECONDED by Mr. Andrew Nance to ADOPT the Rules of <br />Procedures. The vote was unanimous. <br />The Chair asked those that will be addressing the Board or testifying to stand and be sworn in. <br />The Chair administered the oath. <br />New Business Board of Adjustment Function: <br /> <br />The Chair introduced Petition CUSE2021-00007 Special Use Permit request for Public Service <br />Facility (Well House). Applicant is Mr. Brian LaFranchi/Dewberry. Owner is Aqua North <br />Carolina, Inc. Address is 5309 Historic Spring Drive. PIN 5559-76-1541. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />