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Planning and Zoning Commission <br />Minutes <br />December 14, 2021 <br /> <br />He said if we approve this, there are four things that we need to make sure that it meets. <br /> <br />Mr. Charles Paxton, said can we sign off on it or wait until that has been worked out? Do we <br />defer it until it is worked out, or do we preliminarily approve it? <br /> <br />The Chair thinks we can make it a condition, if we approve it tonight, to be worked out with the <br />existing staff conditions. <br /> <br />Mr. Koch, County Attorney, said you can make it a condition, that they have to be able to show <br />that they have some sort of legal right to that. As he understands it, that driveway has been there <br />since 1993. Is that correct? <br /> <br />The Chair believes that is the case, but the issue is, the current drive is probably just wide enough <br />for a vehicle. He would say probably less than ten feet. Fire is requiring 20-foot gravel road with <br />a gate and that is what is kicking it over the property lines, off where the prescribed easement is <br />in those documents provided. <br /> <br />Mr. Koch thinks the Board can make it a condition, that they have to have some sort of legal <br />basis for having the new driveway as wide as it is. He does not think we have to necessarily get <br />into the legal issues on that. If they show that they do have it, he thinks that is enough for this <br />Board. He would make it a condition that they have to show it and it may be by prescription. <br />That basically is a legal theory that says that you do have a right. It may not show up from <br />documents, so he may be right about that, Mr. Koch does not know. <br /> <br />Mr. Koch thinks that subdivision was developed by Sam family, if he is not mistaken. <br />He said Mr. Davis is easy to find around here and is a lawyer here. <br /> <br />It may be, that was the way it is supposed to be, he has no idea. As a County, we do not need to <br />get involve in that kind of a legal issue if it is one. But he thinks they do need to present <br />something to the Board as a condition that they have the right to have the driveway put in the <br />way they need to have it for the Fire Marshal. <br /> <br />Ms. Morris thinks what they are talking about is that it is encroaching onto properties other than <br />what they own, with the expansion. She thinks the expectation was that it would be expanded <br />onto their property. It is across the property line, so those people were not necessarily a part of <br />the application. <br /> <br />She asked the Chair if that is what he was asking. <br /> <br />The Chair said that is correct. <br /> <br />Mr. Koch said that is kind of what he is saying. They will have to be able to show that they have <br />an easement from that neighboring property owner, or that they had some other right that came <br />up when the lot was first developed, and the driveway was put in. <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />