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Planning and Zoning Commission <br />Minutes <br />December 14, 2021 <br /> <br />He said that is not something that we can decide, either this Board or even legally we can decide. <br />He thinks they just need to show to the County, that they have the right to put the driveway in the <br />way they show it on their plan. <br /> <br />The Chair said there are four things we need to consider, and we can do them one by one or <br />altogether. <br /> <br />1. The Board must find that the uses as proposed are not detrimental to the public health and <br />safety or general welfare. <br />2. The Board must find that the uses, as proposed, are approximately located with respect to <br />the transportation facilities, water supply, fire, police protection, waste disposal, etc. <br />3. The Board must find that the uses as proposed will not violate neighborhood character <br />nor adversely affect the surrounding land uses. <br />4. The Board must find that the uses, as proposed, will comply with the general plans for the <br />physical development of the County or Town as imbodied in the Zoning Ordinance, or in <br />the Area Development Plans that have been adopted. <br /> <br />Mr. Corley feels this request is not detrimental to public health and welfare. It is quite the <br />opposite, making public drinking water supply improvements for these customers. It appears to <br />be reasonably located with transportation facilities, existing water supply facilities on this site, as <br />well as police and fire protection. He does not believe it will violate neighborhood character, or <br />adversely affect surrounding land uses. They have done a good job of minimizing the amount of <br />tree removal that will take place. Most of the facility is very central to this property and should <br />not really affect the surrounding property owners at all. <br /> <br />Mr. Paxton said it would not change the developmental plans for the County and would not <br />impede any of the community water systems, it would only improve it. <br /> <br />There being no further discussion, Mr. Jeffrey Corley MOTIONED, SECONDED by Mr. Brent <br />Rockett to APPROVE CUSE2021-00007 Special Use Permit request for Public Service <br />Facility (Well House) with conditions recommended by Staff, and an additional condition that <br />the Applicant provide some evidence allowing the driveway to be on the property where <br />proposed. The vote was unanimous. <br /> <br />The Chair called on Ms. Susie Morris, Planning and Zoning Manager to present Text <br />Amendments. <br /> <br />She said the first Text Amendment is to amend Chapter 16. The State, ISO and FEMA finally <br />got together to figure out some language and it is right back where we started some months ago. <br />We have decided to make a little modification of our own to that particular language which she <br />will talk about in a minute. <br /> <br />The State has added a definition for map repository. We did not have a definition for that. It is <br />saying that the official map repository for North Carolina, as a Technical Coordinating Partner <br />6 <br /> <br /> <br />