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Planning and Zoning Commission <br />Minutes <br />December 14, 2021 <br /> <br />with the State, is the FRIS system that we have talked about and some of you have used to do <br />research. <br /> <br />The other one, which was really the sticking point on our review with ISO, is on page 19. That <br />is the one talking about the electrical, heating and ventilation. The mechanical must be elevated, <br />and that is elevated to the Regulatory Flood Protection, which is BFE (Based Flood Elevation) <br />plus two. If they cannot put it at BFE plus two, it has to be specifically designed to withstand <br />flooding, not to the BFE, but to that Regulatory Flood Protection again, so to BFE plus two. <br /> <br />The ISO says, this supposedly gets us to a seven, but then they also asked if we were still doing <br />some of the things from the last review, which is outside of the scope of our last review. We will <br />see if we get a seven or if we stay at an eight. <br /> <br />Ms. Morris said those are the only changes to the Ordinance. If the Board remembers, back in <br />the summer, we updated to 160D and to the Model Ordinance that they had at that time. <br /> <br />The other changes were typos that we found. <br /> <br />Chapter 1, Section 1-5, to correct the date from February 2, 1982 to February 1, 1982. The <br />minutes from the meeting are specific that that is the date that we need to use. <br /> <br />Chapter 5, Section 5-7, Section B. Stream buffer and floodplain limitations, when we changed <br />the flood plain ordinance from Chapter 15 to 16 that did not get captured in the update of the <br />text. <br /> <br />Those are the amendments that she has. We went through and did the bulk of those changes that <br />we needed to do with 160D. This is just some cleanup work, specifically related to us <br />participating in the CRS Program. <br /> <br />Mr. Corley asked if the commercial storage facility item was allowed in the flood plain area <br />before by definition? <br /> <br />Ms. Morris thinks it was not clear. We have had cases where people are storing cars in the flood <br />plain. She thinks it is now interpreted to mean you cannot store cars, trucks, and other things in <br />the floodplain if it is related to commercial. That it is specifically treated as a commercial use <br />and would have to be permitted or elevated, even storage buildings related to that. <br /> <br />The Chair said we need to discuss the text amendments and build the record to recommend <br />approval of the text amendments to the Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br />Mr. Paxton said it appears pretty cut and dry, typos are pretty common. The other is something <br />that needs to be done and is a legal statute and we should follow in line. <br /> <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br /> <br />