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Planning and Zoning Commission <br />Minutes <br />December 14, 2021 <br /> <br />Mr. Corley said important clarifications, and some inconsistencies, with some model ordinances <br />he thinks is very important and he believes this clears it up and addresses some minor typos. <br /> <br />There being no further discussion, Mr. Brent Rockett MOTIONED, SECONDED by Mr. <br />Andrew Nance, to recommend Approval of the text amendments to the Board of commissioners. <br />The vote was unanimous. <br />Legal Update <br />Mr. David Goldberg, Deputy County Attorney, addressed the Board giving an update on the <br />McClain RV case. <br />We have the Judgement against him. We have been in contact with Mr. McClain for the first <br />time in a while. He has officially moved here to Cabarrus County. He is talking with us a little <br />bit. Ms. Morris told Mr. Goldberg earlier today that we are not seeing any forward progress as <br />far as him resolving the situation. <br />Mr. McClain says he wants to and that he gets it, but he is not showing it. We will show some <br />level of flexibility if he works towards it but that has not happened so far. We are going to be <br />moving towards the collection process, $3,500 in Civil penalties he has accrued so far. Mr. <br />Goldberg has also put in the bill of cost, so we can collect all the fees and filing costs that we <br />have spent on that case so far, so we can minimize the cost to the County on that. There are <br />couple of other things that we are going to try to do but eventually we may have to abate the <br />violation ourselves and deal with that. Those are all options on the table as we go forward. <br />Directors Report <br />Ms. Susie Morris asked that the Board be sure to let Staff know 24 hours in advance if they are <br />not going to be present for a meeting. We are working on getting a person for the Midland area, <br />but right now we are in a bind when people are not here because we are down two positions plus <br />then we have absences. It is important that we have a full complement of the Board for the Board <br />of Adjustment cases because the Applicant can Table until the next meeting and that gets things <br />backed up. <br />Ms. Morris is going to propose to the Board of Commissioners over the next couple of months <br />that the Northwest position that is open becomes an at large position. Because of annexations by <br />the City of Concord and Kannapolis, there is not a lot of unincorporated area left there. We want <br />to try to staff up the Planning and Zoning Commission a little easier. <br />Ms. Morris introduced new staff member and Planner, Ms. Sandy Howell. She comes to us with <br />ten years of direct experience in Planning and Zoning, a graduate of Appalachian State. She also <br />has some other work experience that will be beneficial to us. She is in the role of Planner, <br />presenting cases. One of her first priorities will be helping us get the APFO data base up to par, <br />so that we know what is happening with development and the back side of it. Hopefully, at some <br />8 <br /> <br /> <br />