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HELPING PASSENGERS WITH PERSONAL ASSISTANCE DEVICES <br />Use the following guidelines when you are interacting with a passenger who has special needs: <br />Assisting Passengers Who are Using Canes or Critters: <br />• Always ask the disabled passenger if you can assist her /him prior to assisting the passenger <br />• Assist from the opposite side of the cane. <br />• Canes, walkers and other personal assistance devices should be stored so that they do not <br />interfere with movement in the vehicle. <br />• Amputees should be seated in cool areas during hot weather. <br />Assisting Developmentally Disabled Passengers: <br />• Treat the passengers with respect. <br />• Be patient and repeat instructions when necessary. <br />• Be firm if they insist on doing something that will endanger you, them or the other passengers. <br />Assisting Hearing Impaired Passengers: <br />• Look directly at them so they can see your lips. <br />• Talk normally (do not shout) and do not exaggerate your speech. <br />• Be prepared to repeat yourself. <br />• Get another person to talk to them if the passenger has trouble reading your lips. <br />Use a pad and pencil when <br />Assisting Speech- Impaired Passengers: <br />• Do not hesitate to ask speech - impaired persons to repeat anything that you do not understand. <br />• Be patient; the passenger's speech condition may become more difficult to understand if the <br />passenger is under stress. <br />Assisting Passengers with Visual Impairments: <br />• Don't touch the passenger until you tell them who you are and what you intend to do. <br />• Do not shout at the passenger. <br />• Before boarding the passenger, take their hand and show them the door openings as well as the <br />seat and mention any hazards. <br />• When escorting the passenger, remain on the opposite side of their cane and have them hold <br />your arm. Advise the passenger of any changes in ground texture or elevation level. <br />• When walking with a passenger, call out turns and maneuvers at least five (5) steps in advance. <br />• If the passenger uses a service animal, it may be helpful to lean the name of the animal for <br />future reference. Avoid any abrupt movements toward the animal or the passengers. <br />• Seat visually impaired passengers against vehicle walls when possible or seat the passengers in <br />seats with arm rests in order to assist them in keeping their balance. <br />04/25/16 PDFConverf.10732.1.Section 2_- _Driver Employee_Training Attachme11umber 2 \n <br />F -9 Page 211 <br />