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Cabarrus County Transportation Services (CCTS) Final Report — September 2015 <br />on time report 1 <br />77% <br />85% <br />90% <br />16.9% <br /># of Accidents I <br />3 <br />1 <br />0 <br />- 100.0% <br />64,514 <br />66,215 <br />67,948 <br />397,522 <br />Passenger trips per ho <br />1.92 <br />2.5 <br />2.8 <br />45.8% <br />35 <br />38 <br />38 <br />8.6% <br />Source: ITRE /CCTS Manager <br />Business <br />Interview, <br />August 2014 <br />4,189 <br />fully utilize software <br />driver training & vehicle maintenance <br />policy /strategy /admin changes <br />funding stability <br />Several assumptions were necessary to better estimate future ridership and particularly provide realistic <br />benefits of the recommended improvements. For example the ridership growth for the Dynamic <br />Budget Tool adopted a modest growth from a recent historical high of .19 passengers per service hour <br />levels in 2012 to a .25 passengers/ service hr. in the years 2016 -20 of the CTSP (see below). Using <br />these estimates the projected baseline trips do not achieve the 95,000 level until 2020, as opposed to <br />this level being achieved in 2015 (above). <br />Ridership Growth Projections from Service Plan Recommendations <br />Lecommen __ALFY <br />2016 . <br />FY 201 <br />LFY 2018 <br />FY 2019 <br />FY 202 <br />LFY 16-20 <br />Base Case Riders <br />86,000 <br />87,845 <br />64,514 <br />66,215 <br />67,948 <br />397,522 <br />Coordinated Out -of- <br />County Trips <br />565 <br />580 <br />594 <br />609 <br />624 <br />2,972 <br />Feeder to five high volume <br />locations thru CK Rider <br />stops <br />4,189 <br />7,796 <br />9,438 <br />10,829 <br />12,923 <br />45,175 <br />Mobility Management <br />833 <br />884 <br />919 <br />956 <br />994 <br />4,587 <br />Subtotal trip increase <br />5,587 <br />9,260 <br />10,951 <br />12,394 <br />14,541 <br />52,733 <br />Post Case Riders <br />91,587 <br />97,105 <br />75,465 <br />78,609 <br />82,489 <br />450,255 <br />An estimate of 15 mph was used to convert service hours to miles in urban environments <br />and 25 mph for longer rural trips, in order to populate some of the Dynamic Funding Tool <br />cells. <br />SPECIFIC COST ASSUMPTIONS <br />As prescribed in the budget tool the forecast must rely on actual expenditures rather than <br />the self- reported estimates provided by the systems in the OpStats reports. <br />• CCTS provided a two page accounting ledger that used municipal codes that were <br />translate into G -Code by the consultant, as he was very familiar with the uniform <br />coding system used by NCDOT. The costs were then expanded by G -Code to the out <br />years using NCDOT provided inflation factors. <br />Attachment number 1 \n <br />F -3 Page 204 <br />