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• Animal/pet shelter support services <br />• Law enforcement support services <br />• Transportation support services <br />• Management, request, and acquisition of shelter resources <br />5. Notify Public of Local Shelter Activation <br />a. As operations begin, the Shelter Coordination Team implements formal notification <br />concerning the activation of the shelter(s). <br />b. Notification to the public includes the status of the emergency, the community's <br />actions, and the location and time in which the shelter facility will be available to the <br />public for the provision of shelter services and the services provided at the selected <br />shelter(s). <br />c. Notification also includes the types of services that will be made available at the <br />shelter location and reminders to bring key items individuals with specific needs <br />normally depend upon. <br />d. To reach the general population, the Shelter Coordination Team uses various media <br />outlets for notification through a diverse set of existing public communication <br />capabilities and tools. Crisis communications flows through the Cabarrus County <br />Joint Information Center (JIC), in accordance with the existing crisis <br />communications plans. <br />6. Operate Local Shelter(s) <br />a. Actual shelter activation occurs at the established time set forth by the Shelter <br />Coordination Team. <br />b. Upon the completion of staff and equipment mobilization at the shelter facility, a <br />designated Shelter Manager manages all facets of the shelter operation. <br />c. Shelter residents seeking shelter either self - present or arrive via transportation <br />assistance to the shelter facility. <br />d. As shelter residents arrive, they are processed via a shelter registration and intake <br />area, where their additional and/or specific needs are further noted. Information <br />concerning the emergency status, services located at the shelter, and/or other relevant <br />information is passed along to shelter residents as they are processed. <br />e. During shelter operations, activity continues to be monitored by all shelter staff on an <br />ongoing basis. Any gaps in services or equipment are monitored, noted, and <br />addressed through appropriate mutual aid channels. <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex L — Shelter and Mass Care <br />F -6 <br />Attachment number 12 <br />Page 269 <br />