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Refer to Annex M — Damage Assessment for additional information on damage assessment <br />activities. <br />4. Following the completion of the damage assessment, the Emergency Management <br />Coordinator forwards damage assessment reports and any requests for assistance to the <br />Western Branch Office of the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management <br />(NCDEM) by the quickest means available. The Secretary, North Carolina Department of <br />Crime Control and Public Safety is authorized to commit state resources to assist with the <br />recovery efforts. <br />5. Under the provisions of North Carolina General Statue 166A, the existence of a state of <br />disaster may be proclaimed by the Governor or by a resolution of the General Assembly if <br />either of these finds that a disaster threatens or exists. Upon receipt of the PDA, the <br />Governor shall issue a proclamation defining the area subject to the state of disaster and <br />proclaiming the disaster as a Type I, Type II, or Type III disaster. (See NC GS 166A -6 for <br />details of each type). <br />6. The Governor may request a Presidential declaration of a "major disaster ", "major <br />emergency ", or a specific federal agency disaster declaration (Small Business <br />Administration, Department of Agriculture, Corps of Engineers, etc.) to augment state, <br />local, and private recovery and relief efforts. <br />7. The President, under a "major emergency" declaration may authorize the use of any <br />federal equipment, personnel and other resources to support local response and recovery <br />operations. <br />8. The President, under a "major disaster" declaration may authorize two basic types of <br />disaster relief assistance: <br />a. Individual Assistance (IA). This focuses on the individual and includes: <br />(1) Temporary housing <br />(2) Individual and family grants (IFG) <br />(3) Disaster unemployment assistance <br />(4) Disaster loans to individuals, businesses, and farmers; <br />(5) Agricultural assistance <br />(6) Legal services to low - income families and individuals <br />(7) Consumer counseling and assistance in obtaining insurance benefits <br />(8) Social security assistance <br />(9) Veterans assistance <br />(10) Casualty loss tax assistance <br />b. Public Assistance (PA). This is employed to restore government functions and <br />includes: <br />(1) Debris removal <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex R — Recovery <br />11 <br />Attachment number 17 <br />F -6 Page 369 <br />