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visitors, and Downtown employees to enjoy while they are in Downtown. There is no other unrestricted <br />green space anywhere in Downtown Concord where this fountain can be placed, this is the only site. <br />Having this at the southern entrance to Downtown will provide a pleasing gateway to our central <br />business district. The dancing fountain would be on a timer to be operational when Historic Downtown <br />Concord is most active, predominantly weekdays during regular business hours, weekends during <br />daylight hours from April through October, and during special events. Trash cans similar to those that <br />presently exist in Historic Downtown Concord will also be added to this site. There will be no permanent <br />seating installed. There are no plans to provide public restrooms as part of the design of the park. When <br />groups utilize the park for activities such as small concerts, art shows, etc. they may choose to bring in <br />portable toilets, and the site will be prepped for this with concrete pads where the toilets may be <br />placed. Restrooms are not being required. Existing street lighting will provide site lighting, with <br />additional lights within the ceiling of the farmers' market pavilions for possible evening markets. A water <br />spigot and a minimal number of electrical outlets will also be provided at the pavilions, however, they <br />will be operational only during the use of the pavilions by an approved organization. All materials for the <br />shelter and site will be chosen for longevity and ease of maintenance. The materials will be chosen after <br />obtaining input from Cabarrus County staff. Regarding storm water retention, the site was originally a <br />multi - parcel site with buildings that covered almost the entire site prior to demolition by the county for <br />the jail. Under Concord stormwater rules, if a development creates more than 20,000 square feet of <br />built upon area (that is area that is graveled, paved, sidewalk, or building) or grades one acre or more <br />and increases built upon any, the developer is required to provide stormwater treatment and detention. <br />However, where there has been impervious area, such as this site, there would need to be an increase in <br />the impervious area by 20,000 or grade more than one acre before the rules applied. That increase is <br />not likely to occur due to the fact these sites were essentially all covered in impervious materials <br />previously. Based upon review of the existing and past aerial photos it is the opinion of Doug Miller, <br />Project Engineer for the City of Concord's Stormwater Services Department, that this project will not <br />likely encounter requirements for stormwater detention or treatment in the development of a park at <br />this site, under current rules. <br />Attached Documentation: Conceptual elevation, Conceptual site plan <br />Access to Site for Vehicular Traffic <br />There are currently two entrances to the site, one off Corban Avenue and the second off Union Street, <br />South. The Corban Avenue drive is a designated fire lane. The Concord Fire Department has confirmed <br />that this drive may be used for vehicular access to the site, however, it must be striped as a Fire lane <br />and be designated as an area that must remain completely unobstructed by parked vehicles or other <br />potential obstacles. As part of the development of this site, a NCDOT driveway permit will be required <br />for the Corban Avenue entrance and a City of Concord driveway permit will be required for the Union <br />Street, South entrance. The Concord Rotary Club will incorporate the costs of these two permits, <br />budgeted at $50 for the City of Concord permit and $1.50 for the NCDOT permit, into the development <br />costs of this project. Note: the ability to use the Union Street, South entrance as access to the Rotary <br />Square site was questioned by Cabarrus County staff. The City of Concord staff has confirmed that the <br />]ail may use this entrance for emergency use only. The developer of the corner parcel may use the <br />entrance for access to the corner site, with proper driveway permits from the City of Concord. <br />Attachment number 1 <br />G -5 Page 260 <br />