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CABARRUS COUNTY 2012 APPRAISAL MANUAL <br />Intent of a Deed <br />Property shall be transferred or split exactly as it is described in the deed. However, minor typographical errors in a <br />deed can be overlooked as long as the intent of the deed is clear. If the intent is not clear, then that deed shall be held <br />until a correction deed is recorded. For example, if the grantor owns lot 125 of XYZ subdivision and a deed is <br />recorded from that grantor for lot 25 of that subdivision, staff shall research the situation. If we find that the grantor <br />actually owned lot 125, the mailing address and prior deed reference reflect lot 125 and the grantor never owned lot <br />25, then it would be obvious that lot 25 was a typographical error omitting the "1" and they intended to transfer lot <br />125. The attorney and owner shall be notified of this error, but for our purposes we shall transfer lot 125 to the new <br />owner. Another example would be if one of the deed calls is reversed, as long as we can determine what property is <br />to be conveyed, the deed shall be mapped /transferred. If a deed comes through for lot 5 of ABC subdivision as <br />recorded in map book 105 / page 1, and that plat is a different subdivision owned by the grantor, the intent would not <br />be clear because the grantor owns both parcels and either could be correct. This parcel would not be transferred until <br />a correction deed is recorded. For this section, staff shall use it's best judgment to determine if an error is minor <br />enough to transfer the property or if a correction is necessary. <br />Property Mapping Basics <br />Each parcel shall be mapped in GIS according to the metes and bounds description on the original deed or plat. In <br />the event of a conflict in a legal description, the following order should be precedence: <br />✓ Right of Possession <br />✓ Senior Right (which property /description was done first) <br />✓ Location of a natural monument <br />✓ Location of a man made monument <br />✓ Adjoining Owners <br />✓ Direction and Distance <br />✓ Area <br />✓ Coordinates <br />When mapping parcels, there should be no overlaps or gaps between parcels. Gaps should be resolved via deed <br />research to determine who owns the land between parcels if the parcels do not share a common line. Overlaps should <br />be resolved via senior rights. <br />Plats <br />A plat is to be mapped at the time it is recorded and a separate parcel number assigned to each lot and section of <br />common open space. In order for the plat to be mapped, the owner of record must be the owner of all of the land <br />shown on the plat and must have signed the plat as the owner. In the case of a company owning the property, it must <br />be signed by an authorized representative of the company in their official capacity, not as an individual. If the land <br />shown in the plat is comprised of different tracts owned by multiple different people /entities, then the plat must be <br />held until a deed is recorded putting the land in the names that match the owners cited on the plat. <br />When revisions to a lot or plat are recorded that change lot lines /sizes /etc, the affected parcel(s) shall be updated <br />accordingly so long as the owner cited on the plat is still the owner of record. CLaRIS and GIS shall be updated to <br />show the new plat reference as the primary reference. When revisions change something other than the lots, such as <br />a plat that is recorded after the original to show the edge of pavement, location of utilities, etc, then that plat shall be <br />shown in CLaRIS as an additional plat reference. The newest plat that actually shows /creates /modifies the parcel(s) <br />in question shall be shown as the primary plat reference in GIS and CLaRIS. <br />Correction Deeds <br />Per North Carolina N.C. gen. stat. SEC. 47 -36.1, a correction deed can only correct "obvious typographical or other <br />minor error in a deed ". This means that a correction deed can correct a misspelling of a person's name, plat <br />reference, etc. "Un- recording" a parcel, transferring a different parcel than on the original deed, adding or deleting <br />parcels to a deed, changing the grantee, etc are not minor errors and a new deed shall be recorded in order to change <br />the listing. <br />Cabarrus County — 2012 Revaluation LAND RECORDS 3-3 <br />Attachment r®f <br />G -3 Page 289 <br />