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CABARRUS COUNTY 2012 APPRAISAL MANUAL <br />GIS Procedures <br />All parcels shall be represented by one or more parcel polygons in GIS. This includes condominiums that should be <br />represented as a small square polygon within the polygon of the parcel of land that the condominium is situated upon. <br />All parcels shall annotate parcel dimensions for all lines in parcels 5.0 acres or smaller and road frontage for parcels <br />larger than 5.01 acres in accordance with the North Carolina Land Records Management Program's Technical <br />Specifications for Base and Cadastral Maps In addition, side and back line dimensions shall be annotated for parcels <br />5.01 acres or larger unless it is comprised of many small but separate calls such as the run of a river or stream, in <br />which case those dimensions may be omitted. No dimensions are required for condominium polygons. Attributes <br />shall be populated as prescribed by the current GIS data model. Easements shall be drawn in one of three categories: <br />ingress /egress, utility, or other /misc. with the latter used for drainage easements, greenway easements, and matters of <br />that nature. <br />CLaRIS Procedures & Data Entry Standards <br />A. Abbreviations <br />All data entered in the Land Records Map Card database shall be in compliance with the <br />Abbreviation Standards Appendix A of this document. <br />B. Names <br />• All names are to be entered Last Name first, then First Name. It does not matter if it is entered in <br />upper or lower case, the system will automatically change it to upper case when you save the <br />record. No comma "," is to be used. Additionally, if initials are on the deed such as "A.T. Smith", <br />the initials are to be separated with a space and no periods are to be used. <br />Example: DOE JOHN <br />Example: SMITH A T <br />• If the property is owned by a married couple and no tenancy is specifically cited, then it reverts to <br />Tenancy by the Entirety. In this scenario, both names can be put on the same line but the last name <br />must be entered for both. They are to be separated by an ampersand " &" and the designation of <br />Husband and Wife cited on the deed is to be abbreviated in parenthesis "(WF)" or " (HSB)" at the <br />end of the line. This holds true even if the last names are different but they are married. <br />Example 1: If the deed says "John Doe and wife Jane ", then it is to be keyed as: DOE <br />JOHN & DOE JANE (WF) <br />Example 2: If the deed says "Jane Doe and husband John', then it is to be keyed as: DOE <br />JANE & DOE JOHN (HSB) <br />Example 3: If the deed says Jane Doe and husband John Smith, then it is to be keyed as: <br />DOE JANE & SMITH JOHN (HSB) <br />The reason for this is so that ownership as tenancy by the entirety can be shown on one line with <br />the ownership being 100% for the two of them. It is also so that both names can be queried. <br />• If the property is owned by more than one person and they are not married or tenancy is specified <br />other than Tenancy by the Entirety, each owner is to be placed on a separate line with the <br />appropriate percent of owner associated with it. If after research by the Land Records Department, <br />the percent of ownership cannot be determined or is in dispute, than "0 1 /o' shall be entered for the <br />uncertain line and comments should entered into that line's COMMENTS field. That line should <br />also be flagged as CURRENT OWNER = YES if appropriate. <br />• A Life Estate holder / Life Tenant shall be designated by adding "(1-17 EST)" after their name(s) to <br />signify that they are the holder of the lifetime rights. The Remainderman shall be designated by <br />adding "(REM)" after their name. Life Tenants and Remaindermen are to be on separate lines and <br />both shall be designated as CURRENT OWNER = YES with 0% interest. If there are multiple Life <br />Estate holders, they can all be put on the same detail line. If there are multiple Remaindermen, <br />they also can be put a line together as long as the Life tenant is still alive. <br />Example: DOE JOHN & DOE JANE (WF) (LF EST) <br />DOE JAMIE (REM) <br />When a Life Estate holder passes, the property is to be keyed as a transfer to the Remainderman on a separate line or <br />lines if multiple Remaindermen exist using the same deed reference that designated the Life <br />Estate /Remaindermanship, flagging it as the current owner. Percent of ownership should be changed from 0% to the <br />appropriate percentage. The former Life Estate. <br />Cabarrus County — 2012 Revaluation LAND RECORDS 3-4 <br />Attachment r®lt <br />G -3 Page 290 <br />