Laserfiche WebLink
Springfield Free Public Library/Township of Springfield <br />1. I he ILS must have the ability to support multiple overlapping fiscal <br />periods in its fund accounting structure. <br />2. The ILS must be capable of producing fund summary reports that <br />include fund allocations, amount encumbered and expended, and <br />remaining percentage free for a given fiscal year. <br />3. The audit trail must track date, time and user who made manual <br />adjustments to the fund. <br />4. The ILS must support the ability to adjust the amount encumbered <br />and expended in a fund. <br />5. The ILS must support the ability to transfer monies between funds. <br />6. Fund file records must include amount budgeted, amount <br />encumbered, amount expended, fund limits, uncommitted balance <br />and total fund balance. <br />7. The ILS must support the ability to roll over funds at the end of the <br />fiscal year, including options to roll over only encumbrances, add in <br />new allocations, retain or purge orders and other features related to <br />end -of -year fiscal transactions. <br />1. The library must be able to pre - define URL links to web -based <br />selection tools to support automatic launching from the acquisition <br />client. <br />2. The ILS must allow staff to download titles from selected Z39.50 <br />sites directly into selection lists, purchase orders and invoices. <br />3. The purchase order and invoice number fields must be 30 <br />characters long. <br />4. The ILS must allow the ability to edit purchase order number and <br />suffix until the purchase order is released. <br />5. The ILS must allow the ability to edit invoice number. <br />6. The ILS must support electronic submission of orders to: <br />a. Baker and Taylor <br />b. Book Wholesalers, Inc. (BWI) <br />c. Brodart <br />d. Ingram Books <br />e. Micro Marketing <br />f. Midwest Tape <br />g. Quality Books <br />h. Rainbow Books <br />7. The ILS must support Open URL from web -based selection <br />vendors to the library's public access catalog. <br />8. The ILS must support Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)X12 series. <br />9. The ILS must offer the ability to include or restrict the number of <br />fund accounts that display in selection lists, orders and invoices. <br />10. The ILS must permit the recording of holds against titles on order <br />and in process. <br />LIProgram FilesWeevia.ComlDocument ConverterltemplPDFConvert .3395.1.Springfield Free ILS RFP March <br />20 10. doc 43 <br />Attachment number 2 <br />F -12 Page 202 <br />