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RFP Response <br />2. The vendor must perform preventative maintenar <br />scans of the library's servers as part of maintenar,,,,;. , , GaQu <br />describe and indicate if this is included in the basic maintenance or <br />costs extra. <br />TLC: This is included in the basic maintenance costs. <br />3. The vendor will track all bug or hotline incidents reported by the <br />library. The library will be able to view all incidents (including open <br />and closed) via the vendor's extranet. <br />4. For the last two ILS server upgrades, what has been the average <br />downtime to complete the upgrade? (based on a comparable site to <br />ours) <br />Version number: Version number: <br />Date Released: Date released: <br /># of Hours to Upgrade: # of Hours to Upgrade: <br />TLC: The downtime is directly related to the size of the library system ✓ <br />being upgraded. On average, our customers experience little or no <br />downtime. TLC works with the library to schedule all upgrades in a <br />timeframe that is suitable for the library. We attempt to schedule all <br />upgrades during times the library is closed, either over holidays, over <br />a weekend or overnight. Regular routine maintenance is performed <br />as needed and does not result in any downtime during library working <br />hours. <br />5. 100% of the database schema will be available online to library <br />customers for purposes of developing custom reports and SQL <br />scripts. If not 100 %, please describe extent. <br />✓ <br />TLC: This requires an enterprise edition of Oracle. Estimated cost <br />$50,000 to $60,000 if the library does not already have one. <br />6. The library staff may search the vendor's knowledge base as a <br />✓ <br />self - service. <br />7. The full documentation will be available on -line and fully searchable <br />✓ <br />by keyword. <br />8. The vendor must provide an extranet for customers as part of <br />✓ <br />maintenance. <br />9. The extranet will allow the library to download customer developed <br />✓ <br />custom reports. <br />10. The extranet will allow the library to upload customer developed <br />✓ <br />custom reports to share with other vendor customers. <br />11. A toll -free telephone number and an e-mail technical support must <br />be available 24 hours a day for priority problems concerning <br />✓ <br />software. <br />Vendor to highlight Customer Support strengths it feels its ILS has for the library. (Insert sheets <br />as required) <br />April 1, 2010 The Library Corporation Page 31 <br />Attachment number 3 <br />F -12 Page 296 <br />