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RFP Response <br />for Springfield Free Public Library <br />TLC: The corporate psyche at TLC is to "provide better than expected customer service." We <br />testify to that by providing our libraries with an unedited client list. All vendors will tout how great <br />their support is. Few vendors can back it up. Our customers are our evangelist'. <br />"Amazing system." <br />"Beyond the call of duty." <br />"How did we ever function without TLCT' <br />"We had to install more OPAC terminals because of the lines!" <br />"TLC doesn't walk on water, but they sure are light swimmers." <br />TLC provides 24/7/365 customer support from our headquarters in the Washington, DC area. <br />Full help desk support is available Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 9:00pm. After hours <br />emergency support is included. This support is included as part of the annual maintenance <br />agreement. TLC support is not an additional source of revenue — as it is with some vendors; we <br />do not `nickel and dime' our customers. TLC customers can expect help with their issues not a <br />menu of additional cost support services. <br />1. The vendor must provide basic training in all functioning <br />subsystems for the independent operation of the system, including <br />regular maintenance and troubleshooting. <br />✓ <br />TLC: TLC is proposing 8 days of onsite training plus 2 remote training <br />sections. <br />2. The vendor will provide user's training for personnel who will <br />✓ <br />manage the system. <br />3. Training will be planned in accordance with a mutually agreeable <br />✓ <br />schedule between the library and the vendor. <br />4. All library staff will be trained to manage and operate the system on <br />✓ <br />a daily basis. <br />5. Training will include the following: <br />a. Project Implementation Visit on -site to cover the <br />implementation process, policy files creation, data migration <br />✓ <br />issues, project planning, and staff client system administration. <br />b. Application training to cover PAC, Circulation, Cataloging, <br />✓ <br />Acquisitions and Workflow. <br />c. System Administration training to cover the System <br />Administration Interface, the ILS database structure and <br />✓ <br />reports, Database maintenance, User management, Client <br />installation and Basic SQL and Report Writing. <br />6. Complete system and applications documentation must be <br />available at the time the system is installed. <br />TLC: TLC is Going Green! Get help easily — when you need it! <br />Rather than bog you down with a 500 page operations manual, TLC <br />✓ <br />provides help screens built into the system. You get the help you <br />need right away. Fully indexed help is available in each module with <br />context sensitive help available in the cataloging module directing <br />April 1, 2010 The Library Corporation <br />Page 32 <br />Attachment number 3 <br />F -12 Page 297 <br />