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(d) Auxiliary Employee. A person hired to perform incidental or occasional work on a temporary <br />basis and is paid for these services through County payroll in accordance with Internal Revenue <br />Service regulations. <br />(e) Class. A position or group of positions having similar duties and responsibilities requiring <br />similar qualifications, which can properly be designated by one title indicative of the nature of <br />work performed, and which carries the same salary range. <br />(f) Class Description. The responsibilities, essential functions, duties, and requirements of a <br />position. <br />(g) Classification Plan. An approved plan by the Board of Commissioners which assigns positions <br />with similar kinds of duties into classes for similar treatment in selection, compensation and <br />other employment processes. <br />(h) Coun Manager. Refers to the County Manager or their designee. <br />(i) Demotion. The reassignment of an employee to an existing position having a lower salary <br />grade than the position from which the reassignment is made. <br />(j) Disciplinary Action. An action taken to correct an unacceptable level of performance or <br />behavior. <br />(k) Effective Date. Normally the date of an employee's last significant personnel action related to <br />their position -such as hire or promotion date. Determines when an employee is eligible for a <br />performance evaluation and any related salary increase. <br />(1) Full Time Employee. An employee who is scheduled to work the number of hours per work <br />week designated by the Board of Commissioners as full time. <br />(m) General County Employee. A County employee not subject to the State Personnel Act. <br />(n) Grievance. A claim or complaint based upon an event or condition which affects the <br />circumstances under which an employee works, allegedly caused by misinterpretation, unfair <br />application, lack of established policy pertaining to employment conditions or any other <br />inequity relating to employment conditions. <br />(o) Job Classification Schedule.. A listing of authorized classes with identifying characteristics and <br />salary. Includes County Classification and Pay Plans. <br />(p) NCGS. North Carolina General Statutes. <br />(q) Part Time Employee. An employee, either regular or temporary, who is scheduled to work less <br />than the number of hours per work week designated by the Board of Commissioners as full <br />time. <br />(r) Pay Plan. A listing by grade and level of all approved minimum and maximum rates of pay <br />authorized by the Board of Commissioners for various position classifications of County <br />Government. <br />(s) Pay Plan Adjustment. The raising or lowering of the salary grade for one or more classes of <br />positions within the classification plan. <br />Attachment number 6 <br />Page 227 of 362 <br />F-5 <br />