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42 DELIVERY. TO BE NOTED ON BID FORM <br />Unit delivery is requested within ninety (90) calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order (ARO). <br />Bidder must indicate delivery days ARO on the Bid Proposal Form. Parts delivery, if awarded is <br />subject to the requirements of Paragraph #48. <br />.. . <br />43 CANCELLATION, WITH CAUSE <br />If either product or service does not comply with specifications as stated herein or Fails to meet the <br />Authority's performance standazds, the contractor shall be given reasonable time to correct all <br />deficiencies. Failure to remedy such deficiencies within a reasonable time shall result in immediate <br />cancellation of the contract. Cancellation in this manner may result in suspension of the Contractor <br />from the bidders Hst for a period of up to 3 yeazs. <br />44 PAYMENT, PARTIAL BILLING NOT ACCEPTED <br />Partial:.billing will not be accepted. The Authority will pay 100% of the contract price after all <br />items have been delivered and accepted. Invoice must reflect purchase order number. Delivery <br />will not be considered complete until all required manuals, parts Iists and spare parts, if applicable, <br />have been delivered and accepted. , <br />45 EQUIVALENTS <br />Products. similaz in design and equal in function and performance may also be considered. Alternate <br />offers. must include detailed specifications and/or descriptive literature. .Please note, Bidders <br />offering equivalent items must meet the general design and style given for the "as specified" item. <br />46 EVALUATION DEMONSTRATION <br />Inspection and demonstration may be required to facilitate evaluation of the equipment. If required, <br />equipment is to be set-up; inspected, tested and demonstrated at a site within Palm Beach County at <br />no chazge withid seven (7) calendaz days upon notification by the -Authority. The minimum <br />demonstration period will be one complete eight (8) hour day of operation. <br />47 EQUIPMENT, NEW. COMPLETE. ABLE TO SERVICE AND SUPPLY PARTS <br />A. The scope of these specifications is to insure the delivery of a complete unit ready <br />for operations. Omission of any essential detail from these specifications does not <br />relieve the supplier from the famishing of a complete unit. <br />B. AU equipment must be new, of current manufacturer in production at the time of bid <br />opening, and cant' at least standard wairanties. At least two complete operation and <br />maintenance manuals, engine manuals and parts manuals must be famished with <br />each type of equipment at the time of delivery. The successful bidder must service <br />all equipment prior to delivery. <br />08-04/PF <br />STC-3 <br />F-~ <br />