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8. Reversion of Unexpended Funds: Any unexpended contract funds shall revert to the Division upon termination of <br />this Contract <br />9. Conh•acts: The Contractor has the responsibility fo ensure that all sub-contractors, if any, provide all informatiar <br />necessary to permit the Contractor to comply with the standards set forth in this Contract. <br />10. Reporting Requirements: The Division has determined that this is a contract for financial assistance, and therefore is <br />subject to the reporting requirements described on the attached Notice of Certain Reporting and Audit Requirements, <br />Attachment F. <br />11. Payment Provisions: Upon execution of this contract, the Contractor may request and, upon approval by the Division, <br />receive an advance of no more than rive months' operating expenses plus start-up expenses if approved by the Division. <br />The advance for start up expenses is lim iced to the amount to be expended within the two-month period. Monthly payment <br />shall be made based on actual expenditures made in accordance with the approved budget on file with both parties and <br />reported on the montlily expenditure report submitted by the Contractor. The original expenditure report shall be <br />submitted to the Division Conh•Rct Administrator. The Deparhnent of Health and Human Services' Controller's Office <br />.will analyze the cash needs ofthe Contractor no less often than every three months. Ifthe Deparhnent determines that the <br />advance exceeds the financial needs of the Contractor based on actual monthly expenditures, the excess advance will be <br />reduced from a subsequent month's expenditure report/reimbursement. Any State funds advanced to the Cauractor must <br />be returned or settled no later than June 18 ofthe year in which this contract terminates or the Conhactor may request that <br />the outstanding advance of State funds be deducted from the May expendihu•e report to be reimbursed during June. [fthe <br />expendihu•e report is not sufficient in amount to cover the advance settlement, a check representingthe difference must be <br />attached to the report. The Division must receive this report no later than June 18. The Contractor shall have up to 45 days <br />for close out ofnon-State funds, completion and subm fission of the final monthly expenditure report related to this contract <br />period. The Division shall have ho obligation for payments based on expenditure reports submitted later than 45 days after <br />termination or expiration ofthe contract period. However, if federal funds have been approved for an advance, any excess <br />or unearned federal funds advanced must be returned to the Division no later than the expiration date of the contract or <br />settled with the submission of the final expenditure report. If this contact is terminated prior to the end of the contract <br />period, the Contractor is required to settle or return any State funds advanced within 60 days of the termination date or <br />June I B, whicheveroccurs first. Ifthe contract extends beyond June 30, a settlement of state funds can be made during the <br />subsequent month ofJuly and settlement of these State funds must occur at the end ofthe conh•act period, or by June 18 of <br />the following year, whichever occurs first. All payments are contingent upon fiord availability. <br />12. Contract Administrators: All notices permitted or required to be given by one Patty to the other and all questions about <br />the contract from one Party to the other shall be addressed and delivered to the other Patty's Contract Adminish•ator. The <br />name, post office address, sheet address, telephone number; fax number, and email address ofthe Parties' respective initial <br />Contract Adminishators are set out below. Either Party may change the name, post office address, sheet address, <br />telephone number, fax number, or email address of its Contract Administrator by giving timely written notice to the other <br />Parry. <br />Fm• the Division: <br />IF DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS <br />Lawrence D. Wilson, Director Lawrence D. Wilson, Director <br />Office of Economic Opportunity Office of Economic Opporhmity <br />2013 Mail Service Center 222 N. Person Street <br />Raleigh, NC 27699-2013 Raleigh, NC Zip 2760! <br />Telephone: (919) 715-5850 <br />Fax: (919) 715-5855 <br />Email: Lawrence.Wilson ncr' aiLnet <br />DHHS (General Terms and Conditions) (Local Government) (03/07) ~ - ~' <br />