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<br />The referral, screening and admission procedures for Home Based are as follows: Juvenile Court Counselors <br />fill out a referral form and typically mail this to DSS. Wilhin 72 hours of receiving the referral, the supervisor will <br />assign the case to a Home Based worker and that person will attempt to contact the family. If the Home Based <br />counselor cannot reach the family by telephone after receiving a referral, an appointment letter will be mailed. <br />(Occasionally all of the Home Based counselors have full caseloads and they may not be immediately available <br />to see a family. If this occurs, the family is notified and other available treatment options are discussed.) As <br />soon as the Home Based counselor is able to reach a family and schedule an appointment, an initial home visit <br />is made for an assessment. All family members are interviewed and relevant history is collected. The Home <br />Based Social Worker explains the program to families and lets them know that it is a voluntary service. The <br />family must be committed to the goal of keeping the child in the family home in order to participate. If the family <br />is receptive, the case is then staffed with the supervisor. Most cases are accepted for services unless the child <br />has serious mental health problems and is in need of a different type of intervention or unless the child or <br />family poses a safety risk for the worker. For cases that are not accepted for service, documentation of efforts <br />to reach the family, and reasons wh services were not accepted are documented and maintained for review. <br /> <br />(4) Describe imDlementation to include: <br /> <br />a) The primary services that will be implemented involve meeting and counseling in the family's home at least <br />once weekly. The Home Based counselor will be on call to offer support and guidance in helpinglteaching the <br />family to effectively process crisis issues that arise. Parenting guidance and instruction will be enhanced <br />through formal parenting classes, a forum in which parents can identify with other parents of adolescents who <br />are struggling with the same issues. HB counselors also provide parenting instruction in the home for those <br />parents who are unable to attend the formal classes. <br /> <br />b) The means of working with youth and families: <br />Home Based intervention prOVides the ability to observe behavior and interact with everyone in the home. Risk <br />factors can be identified and families can be linked with preventive programs when needed. Home Based <br />counselors are skilled at removing barriers to participation. Since we are housed within the Department of <br />Social Services, we are well aware of programs that provide funding for treatment, transportation, child care, <br />crisis assistance, etc. Home Based counselors use a variety of techniques when working with families. Often <br />the work must begin with crisis intervention and stabilization. The choice of counseling techniques is based on <br />the problems encountered and the client's level of comprehension and abilities. Techniques may include <br />confrontation, modeling, clarification, exploratory questions, role play, reframing, reality therapy, use of <br />analogies, negotiation, universalization, and mirroring. Often it is necessary to allow clients to vent anger and <br />frustration briefly but then they must be re-directed into a problem-solving focus. The Home Based Counselor <br />must possess knowledge of racial, ethnic, and cuttural factors and understand how these factors may impact <br />the case dynamics. In essence, Home Based Services are very family-centered, utilizing a strengths based <br />approach in helping families resolve conflicts and issues. Since the success of the intervention depends on the <br />family's willingness to change, the intervention goals are family driven. <br /> <br />c) The daily activities: <br />The Home Based daily program activities revolve around seeing parents and children and helping to guide the <br />family through their treatment plan. In addition to home visits, the worker may also make school visits to <br />participate in team planning, or follow up on a particular school issue. The worker will make collateral contacts <br />as needed with other professionals who may be involved in the case such as mental health, DJJ, or other <br />community resources. Part of the daily routine involves making contacts with pending referrals or attempting to <br />verify or arrange appointments with existing clients. Traveling to and from home visits is an obvious part of the <br />daily routine. The Home Based counselor is also on call 24/7 to address crisis situations as they arise. In <br />addition to this, the Home Based workers must keep detailed case notes and other required documentation. <br />Staffing of all Home Based cases are conducted at least once weekly with the supervisor. The worker must <br /> <br />\="'- I? <br />