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<br />County Planning Staff before any plats are approved. A left turn lane is being <br />required at the Odell School Rd entrance. <br />. A Performance and Indemnity Bond will be required to ensure roadway <br />imltovements are completed. (amount to be determined later) <br />. *EIPLS Certification must be completed to verifY that there is sufficient right <br />of way to contain the proposed roadway improvements. <br />, <br />. <Dffsite improvements relative to the roadway network may be required <br />penqing review of the Traffic Impact Analysis. <br />. Tum lanes will be required to be completed prior to final plat approval of 40 <br />cum\llative lots. <br />. The developer will be responsible for the acquisition of all rights of way <br />I1ecessary to accommodate the required roadway widening. <br /> <br />Soilllnd Water Conservation-Dennis Testerman <br />. All necessary permits must be obtained in regard to water quality, wetland <br />mitigation and well abandonment. <br /> <br />Staff Analysis: <br /> <br />PlaIl1ling Staff finds that the proposed development meets all of the requirements <br />of th~ Cabarrus County Zoning and Subdivision ordinances. <br /> <br />Staff Recommendation: staff recommends. that the Wellington Chase subdivision be <br />APPROVED with the following conditions: <br /> <br />I. Developer complies with negotiated road improvements and provides a <br />Performance and Indemnity Bond to ensure these improvements are <br />completed. <br />2. PEIPLS Certification must be completed to verifY that there is sufficient right <br />of way to contain the proposed roadway improvements. <br />3. IJ)eveloper agrees to complete a consent agreement with the Cabarrus County <br />$oard of Commissioners to provide $4034.001l0t to advance school <br />adequacy. <br />4. A.ll necessary permits must be obtained in regard to water quality, wetland <br />mitigation and well abandonment be obtained. <br /> <br />E-\ <br />