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<br />5 <br /> <br />Mr. Lentz said he ab~olutely agrees with him. However, what he is trying to <br />convey is what the ordinance calls for. The ordinance calls for a study of what <br />the impact will be fr()m this development. Mr. Lentz said as Ms. Massey has <br />testified, there will be a four percent increase. Using that rational nexus test can <br />we justify at four percent increase to widen Highway 73 to four lanes. He said <br />you have to make that justification to say that this number of lots justifies this <br />improvement. <br /> <br />Mr. Lancaster said he is curious about the hours from 7 to 9 o'ciock in the <br />morning. He asked Ms. Massey if she sat in the car and watched the traffic or <br />did she have something counting the cars for her. He asked how did she do <br />~at. . <br /> <br />Ms. Massey said it is actually manually done. Every car at the intersection is <br />clicked. She said she did not do it herself, the traffic counters does that. Ms. <br />Massey said they use' a modeling technique to input, the number of cars that are <br />making every movement. <br /> <br />The Chair said he was told that this rep.o~ .~9~'done on Tuesday. <br /> <br />Ms. Storey said that is not~",.A.~e' ;aid it was not prepared on that <br />Thursday to go out in thel?oa~~ckets~ Ms. Storey said it was provided to <br />her on yesterday morning. It actually took them a week to prepare it. <br /> <br />Mr. Lancaster said he was curious. It was stated that a problem was found. He <br />asked Ms. Massey to explain the problem. <br /> <br />MS. Massey said in their existing conditions traffic analysis they found that there <br />was some improvements that are needed to satisfy existing conditions, meaning <br />existing traffic volur11les. Those improvements are actually identified at the <br />intersection of Odell !School Road and Highway 73. It is on page two of the <br />addendum, the ethniqal memo. <br /> <br />The Chair said to Ms., Massey that she found no other problems on the other two <br />entrances or exits from this subdivision. He asked Ms. Massey if she has ever <br />been out to this site. <br /> <br />Ms. Massey said yes. I <br /> <br />The Chair asked her If she was familiar with what he is talking about. He asked <br />her if she has ever tried to get out of Jim Johnson Road and Shiloh Church Road <br />and make a left across Highway 73. The Chair said evidently she has not, but <br />she is here tonight. <br /> <br />C' \ <br />>..: - <br />