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<br />9 <br /> <br />Massey said she is not going against what Mr. Moore is saying she said she is <br />just stating, as a traffic engineer, it is minimal impact. She said if we are looking <br />at the intersection of Highway 73 and Odell School Road as being the most <br />important thing here,there is very little reasonable impact there. <br /> <br />Mr. Moore said as a icitizen of the county he would say that any impact is not <br />minimal. He said that is his personal statement. <br /> <br />Ms. Burns asked if she considered the impact on that fire station at all. <br /> <br />Ms. Massey said no. <br /> <br />Ms. Burns said traffid is most frequently backed up beyond the school, beyond <br />the fire station and d~wn Highway 73. It is also backed up significantly on Odell <br />School Road well beypnd where the intersection of their subdivision would come <br />in on to Odell School Road. She asked what their plans are for that. <br /> <br />Ms. Massey said the study that they considered in this again was the existing <br />conditions with the improvements at the intersection that will be needed to bring <br />it to acceptable ope~ation. She said that is the condition that they actually <br />considered adding t~e site traffic to. Ms. ... Massey said they did not look <br />specifically at hewing: links specifically for iJie existing condition or the existing <br />site condition. They Ipoked at the imptlfl.~.~ bE!tween the two, the before and <br />after pace. . . ~r . <br /> <br />Ms. Burns said the traffic safety is~oncern. . <br /> <br />Mr. Griffin said the ~int that they are making is they did the study that was <br />required by the Cabarrus County Zoning Ordinance. He said if you take it one <br />step further and read ithe note that was sent from Leah Wagner of NCDOT, their <br />statement is when th$y include the improvements that are being made or will be <br />made in addition to the turn lanes on Odell School Road that NCDOT staff is <br />satisfied with no furtjher requirements to the intersection of Highway 73 and <br />Odell School Road wilj be needed as a result of a traffic count for this particular <br />development. He ask~d Mr. Koch where does that put the Board. <br />i <br /> <br />Mr. Richard Koch, At~brney for the Planning and Zoning Commission addressed <br />the Board stating he *i11 read to the Board that part of the ordinance so they can <br />have a clear understahding of what it says. He said Mr. Lentz summarized it for <br />them but it maybe because of the extended discussion that we have had it might <br />be helpful for them t~ hear it verbatim. Mr. Koch said this is under Chapter 4, <br />Section 12 B, Traffic lmpact Analysis. "Subdivisions or developments estimated <br />to produce greater than 200 trips per day are required to provide a Traffic <br />Impact analysis (TIAX. The TIA must be produced by a qualified professional <br /> <br />E-\ <br />