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<br />Fire Departments of the City of Concord and the County of Cabarrus, North Carolina. Lessee <br />will not donor suffer to be do~e anything on the Leased Premises in violation of any such laws, <br />ordinances, rules, regulations and requirements. If Lessee is notified of any violation on the part <br />of the Lessee or any person employed by or admitted to the Leased Premises by Lessee, Lessee <br />will immediately correct such violation, <br /> <br />16. NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROPERTY ON PREMISES. Lessee must obtain prior <br />written pennission from Lessor to place property or equipment on the Leased Premises. Lessor <br />assumes no responsibility whatever for any property placed in or upon the Leased Premises by <br />Lessee. Lessor is hereby expressly relieved and discharged from any and all liability for any <br />loss, injury or damage to any person or property that may be sustained by reason of the <br />occupancy of the Leased Premises or any part thereof. All watchmen or other protective service <br />desired by Lessee for such property must be arranged for by special prior written agreement with <br />Lessor. ,1,1 <br /> <br />17. NO DEFACEMENT OF PREMISES. Lessee shall not injure nor in any manner deface the <br />Center, including the Leased fPremises,and shall not cause nor pennit anything to be done <br />whereby the Leased Premises will be injured, marred or defaced. The Lessee will not drive, nor <br />pennit to be driven, any nails; hooks, tacks or screws in any part of the Center (including the <br />Leased Premises) nor shall Lessee make, nor allow to be made, any alteration of any kind <br />therein. If the Center (including the Leased Premises or any other portion thereof, is damaged by <br />the act, fault or negligence of Lessee, Lessee's agent, employees, patrons or invitees, or any <br />person or persons on Center property due to the use of the Leased Premises by Lessee, Lessee <br />will pay to Lessor, upon demand, such sum as shall be necessary to restore the Leased Premises <br />to its original condition. . <br /> <br />18. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERSONS ON LEASED PREMISES. Lessee hereby assumes <br />full responsibility for the character, acts, and conduct of all persons admitted to the Center <br />(including the Leased Premises) or to any portion thereof by the consent of Lessee, or by any <br />person acting for or on behalf of the Lessee. Lessee agrees to have at all times sufficient security <br />force to maintain order and prQtect persons or property. Lessee agrees to procure and maintain, <br />during the tenn of this lease, public liability coverage including personal injury liability and <br />contractual liability. If such coverage is included on a commercial general liability fonn, the <br />limit per occurrence shall be a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence and must include bodily <br />injury and property damage liability; automobile coverage with liability limits of $1,000,000 <br />combined single limits (CSL) bodily injury and property damage per accident, arid workers <br />compensation coverage to protect Lessee's pennanent and temporary employees. <br /> <br />Coveraee <br /> <br />Minimum Limits <br /> <br />Workers' Compensation <br /> <br />$ 500,000 minimum; Statutory Limits Preferred <br /> <br />£-~ <br />